25th December

…Jobson’ Last flower on Lapageria rosea which was first out in August. Amazing longevity. Lapageria rosea The Rev Michael Warner rings to cheer us up with news that his Daphne…

5th October

…the highlights and rest are detailed here if you are interested.Lapageria rosea var. albiflora climbing through camellias and up a high wall. To die for! If only we could produce…

12th April

…‘Randy’ Magnolia ‘Randy’ is showing colour. This is one of ‘the girls’ crosses between Magnolia liliiflora ‘Nigra’ and Magnolia stellata ‘Rosea’. I first saw these 35 years ago working in…

11th June

…(BWJ16323) – Juglans cathayensis (CWJ12451) – Oreopanax glabrifolius (BSWJ14728) – Rubus lineatus from Vietnam (HWJ892) – Schima argentia (15423) – Skimmia anquetilia (male) – Sorbus rosea (SEP492) – Sorbus sharmae…

14th February

…Lapageria breeder. We have had four different forms of Lapageria rosea in flower here since September this year. Lapageria Lapageria 2019 – CHW A trip to Penvergate to see what…

12th May

…problem. The two plants are side by side. I cannot remember where the pink mathotiana rosea is. 1964 – FJW The Colonel (E.H.Bolitho) came today. He walked down by the…

11th April

…neat plant hidden within azaleas. The cross is Magnolia liliiflora ‘Nigra’ x Magnolia stellata ‘Rosea’. A wonderful plant for a small garden or even a pot. Magnolia ‘George Henry Kern’…

24th June

…plant I think (Chionanthus retusus). Chionanthus virginicus Chionanthus virginicus Robinia hispida var kelseyi or var rosea. I am not sure and planting predates 1997 so is not yet computerised. A…

14th March

…(syn. stellata ‘Rosea’). It is certainly pink in bud but I do not think it is yet pink enough in flower to qualify as the true ‘Jane Platt’. We have…

19th April

…planted in the autumn in the Kitchen Garden. Malus ‘Evereste’ Our largest Magnolia stellata ‘Jane Platt’ (syn. ‘Rosea’) near Rogers Quarry. Magnolia stellata ‘Jane Platt’ Even the youngest Embothriums are…