4th March

…Magnolia ‘Mr Julian’ now full out beside a Michelia doltsopa. The adjacent M. campbellii is now over. Breathtaking! Magnolia ‘Mr Julian’ Magnolia ‘Mr Julian’ Camellia ‘Mimosa Jury’ (C. saluenensis x…

20th March

…upon. The true ‘Apple Blossom’ is rare in cultivation. Clematis armandii ‘Apple Blossom’ The Worcester reunion now looking at magnolias rather than hounds (Joe Sharp, Richard & Jacky Morris, Richard…

19th March

…‘Leonora’ Magnolia ‘Leonora’ Magnolia ‘Leonora’ Magnolia x veitchii grown from seed from Chollipo Arboretum in Korea above the Green Gate is already making a major show. Magnolia x veitchii Magnolia…

16th March

…and we will all be home working soon as the country shuts down completely. Plenty of time for writing and thinking amid the gloom. The Cornwall Garden Society show at…

15th March

…‘Purple Platter’ was planted in 2008 and now making a good show. New Zealand bred by Oswald Blumhardt it is M. ‘Iolanthe’ x M. soulangeana ‘Rustica Rubra’. Magnolia ‘Purple Platter’…

14th March

…You can see them all from the main drive which was the whole point of planting them here. Magnolias from afar! Looking back again at the old hunt kennels Looking

11th March

…remain under the New Zealand form of Magnolia ‘Lanarth’. Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ Two young plants of Camellia reticulata ‘Captain Rawes’ now in full flower. Floppy plants which need serious staking. Enormous…

1st March

…decent sized and half mature) Melliodendron xylocarpum with its first few flowers out. A triumph after several other failures with poor plants or rootstocks overtaking their grafted hosts. Melliodendron xylocarpum…

25th April

…a bad introductory write up. Talking about the herbaceous borders which the King had wanted and it being ‘not a rhododendron garden’. It is actually a very lovely 98 acre…

2nd February

…Anniversary sign. Hellebores The landscapers have rearranged and extended all the upraised herbaceous plant beds. upraised herbaceous plant beds New garden entry signage. New garden entry signage Erica canaliculata looking