12th February

‘Dawn’ Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ Clematis armandii is just starting into flower outside the School Room. A dense mat of a climber much favoured by nesting…

16th June

…first flowering with us of Nepeta grandiflora ‘Dawn to Dusk’. Very tall growing for a nepeta and not obviously a nepeta to look at. Nepeta grandiflora ‘Dawn to Dusk’ Nepeta…

13th January

…armandii Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ with Cytisus ‘Porlock’ (Genista ‘Porlock’). Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ with Cytisus ‘Porlock’ Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ at…

28th December

…Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ We made a video clip of how to prune Cytisus ‘Porlock’ (Genista ‘Porlock’) earlier in the year using…

27th December

…darleyensis ‘Kramers Red’ Erica x darleyensis ‘Kramers Red’ Erica x darleyensis ‘Phoebe’ Erica x darleyensis ‘Phoebe’ Erica erigena ‘Irish Dusk’ Erica erigena ‘Irish Dusk’ Erica x darleyensis ‘White Perfection’ Erica…

1st November

‘Dawn’ and Camellia x vernalis ‘Yuletide’ Viburnum bodnantense ‘Dawn’ outside the nursery cash point. A harbinger of winter. Viburnum bodnantense ‘Dawn’ The groundworks for the new loading bay and larger…

18th January

…the top of the bush and the lower flowers start to drop. Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ The 124 year old Magnolia stellata will be out quite…

6th December

…I am not sure if ‘Ginryu’ has variegated leaves but our 1897 planted ‘Dawn’ definitely does. Some signs of recent frost damage to older flowers. Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ Camellia…

4th January

…piece of Caerhays camellia history. Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ Camellia x vernalis ‘Dawn’ Cytisus ‘Porlock’ with a good show of flowers (again)….

9th February

…Helleborus Frostkiss ‘Dorothys Dawn’ Helleborus Frostkiss ‘Dorothys Dawn’ Helleborus Frostkiss ‘Dorothys Dawn’ Helleborus ‘Pink Beauty’ – flowers have pink coverings or bracts but open a creamy white. Helleborus ‘Pink Beauty’…