30th September

…Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ which was hit by a tree is recovering beautifully. It used to grow in full shade but no longer. Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ Microtropis petelotii is a little known shrub…

5th October

…Schefflera rhododendrifolia Nothaphoebe cavaleriei with good secondary new growth. Nothaphoebe cavaleriei Seed heads forming on Microtropis petelotii but still green. Microtropis petelotii 2022 – CHW Heptacodium miconioides has been rather…

6th January

…yet.Bursting seeds pods on Microtropis petelotii. Microtropis petelotii Still tiny flowers out on Pittosporum michiei. Its still covered in fact. A most peculiar species which we first saw a month…

8th September

…I have not seen this before. Rhododendron ‘Michael’s Pride’ Rhododendron ‘Bowjingles’ with a flower or two. Rhododendron ‘Bowjingles’ Microtropis petelotii covered in seed heads. Microtropis petelotii Viburnum x hillieri ‘Winton’…