9th December

…flowers. Camellia ‘Nobilissima’ Camellia ‘Nobilissima’ Salix udensis ‘Golden Sunshine’ not bad at all as autumn colour in the sun, although we would normally grow it for spring and summer colour….

17th December

…water pipe Camellia japonica ‘Nobilissima’ now well frosted Camellia japonica ‘Nobilissima’ Camellia japonica ‘Nobilissima’ The one flower on the Arum Lily now deceased. Arum Lily First colour showing on Daphne…

10th November

…2022 – CHW Camellia japonica ‘Nobilissima’ by the front door now covered in flowers so far unblemished by the weather (heavy showers) or petal blight. Camellia japonica ‘Nobilissima’ Camellia japonica…

4th November

…doing. Cutting back Magnolia ‘Ann’ Acer palmatum ‘Sango Kaku’ (‘Senkaki’) at its autumn best in the sun. Absolutely splendid! Acer ‘Sango-Kaku’ Acer ‘Sango-Kaku’ Camellia ‘Nobilissima’ has two flowers out beside…

28th October

…have seen this. Camellia sasanqua ‘Variegata’ Camellia sasanqua ‘Variegata’ Sarcococca saligna nearly over before November. Sarcococca saligna Sarcococca saligna Colour showing on Camellia ‘Nobilissima’ by the front door. Camellia ‘Nobilissima’…

12th November

…Romneya coulteri. Romneya coulteri Salvia ‘Hot Lips’ still in full flower. Salvia ‘Hot Lips’ I was asked yesterday what the difference is between Camellia japonica ‘Gauntlettii’ and Camellia japonica ‘Nobilissima’….

23rd November

…this year. Magnolia compressa (formerly Michelia compressa) Magnolia compressa (formerly Michelia compressa) There are mature plants of Camellia ‘Nobilissima’ allover the garden but none as far out as the one…

10th December

…or 4 weeks before Camellia ‘Nobilissima’. Camellia ‘Gauntlettii’ (‘Sodekakushi’) Camellia ‘Gauntlettii’ (‘Sodekakushi’) 2022 – CHW Definitely a two jumper day and gloves. Not quite freezing here by day but a…

10th January

…Moors still very badly flooded. Over 2” of rain in 48 hrs at the beginning of the week. Picked first flower on nobilissima by front door. Sutchuenense arboreum hyb above…

14th January

…Fuchsia exorticatica 2008 – FJW Continues mild. Front door Nobilissima fully out. Saw first daff. Snowdrops out for Sunday.2001 – FJW Coldish. South – South East wind but dry for…