17th October

…its leaves and what I saw was probably Osmanthus armatus or Osmanthus x burkwoodii. If the former it should flower soon. Another young Osmanthus yunnanensis has been trimmed by deer…

6th February

…now. Osmanthus yunnanensis Osmanthus yunnanensis Osmanthus yunnanensis Osmanthus yunnanensis Osmanthus yunnanensis Galanthus elwesii now full out. Galanthus elwesii Hydrangea lobbii has, not unexpectedly, caught a chill in the cold. The…

Irish trip April 2018

…to collect Thomas Methuen-Campbell. Osmanthus delavayi full out and looking fine. One of four in square beds featuring a magnolia. Osmanthus delavayi Osmanthus delavayi Typical snow damage on Ceanothus thyrsiflorus…

12th March

…calleryana ‘Chanticlear’ Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticlear’ Osmanthus burkwoodii – excellent in flower as a low clipped hedge. Osmanthus burkwoodii Osmanthus burkwoodii Osmanthus burkwoodii Osmanthus burkwoodii 2016 – CHW First day of…

2nd April

…the base. The uprighted bit still has one small live branch and some still live reshooting. Little cause for optimism. Osmanthus yunnanensis Osmanthus yunnanensis Osmanthus yunnanensis The old Litsea glauca…

4th August

…is the same species and was pollarded earlier due to old age. Its new growth is green not purple as Jaimie noticed before me. Osmanthus yunnanensis Osmanthus yunnanensis Osmanthus yunnanensis…

21st July

…‘Sasaba’ which has most peculiar deeply cut leaves and numerous but very variable spine-tipped lobes. Osmanthus heterophyllus ‘Sasaba’ Osmanthus heterophyllus ‘Sasaba’ One of the ancient original Hydrangea aspera subsp. sargentiana…

7th November

…I assumed the few flowers were simply an attempt to procreate before death. Osmanthus heterophyllus Osmanthus heterophyllus Osmanthus heterophyllus 1938 – JCW Erica hybrida just shows flower. I have made…

7th October

…I suspect this is not the American species but an Osmanthus. More research needed. Osmanthus? Osmanthus? Osmanthus? 2019 – CHW A few berries and flowers on show in the nursery…

20th March

…not think I have ever seen a tiny paulownia in a pot do this in the nursery. Paulownia elongata Paulownia elongata Osmanthus americanus now in full flower. Osmanthus americanus A…