29th August

…another splendid Magnolia ‘Yakeo’. Magnolia ‘Yakeo’ Magnolia ‘Tinkerbelle’ has one very dark flower. Magnolia ‘Tinkerbelle’ Thuja koraiensis was planted in 2015 but now a decent small tree with male and…

18th February

…has plenty of stock of :Beschorneria septentrionalis – a Mexican species with dark green leaves which will tolerate full shade and dry soil. 2L Beschorneria septentrionalis Fatsia polycarpa – 3L….

19th February

…Trewithen’s tomorrow after the Great Gardens meeting. Magnolia campbellii Magnolia campbellii Camellia reticulata ‘Captain Rawes’ (dark Tregullow form) is now full out. Camellia reticulata ‘Captain Rawes’ Bluebells (English!) now 12in…

12th February

…tints fronting the darker Phillyrea angustifolia. Vaccinum cylindraceum Another new addition to the Burncoose catalogue is Phyllocladus trichomanoides var. alpina. This very slow growing dwarf plant was a gift from…

4th January

…elliptica ‘James Roof’ now at its finest despite some wind scorching on its leaves. A very intricate display within each long tassel. A splendid plant for a dark and cold…

18th July

…this in any reference books. Mandevilla ‘Sundavill’ Mandevilla ‘Sundavill’ Mandevilla ‘Sundavill’ Salvia ‘Amistad’ was a good tall growing form with dark flowers. As good as ‘Love and Wishes’ perhaps? Salvia…

10th February

…about 25% out. The flowers are still smaller than usual (or last year) with signs of being blown open early in the colouration which has stripes of darker/yellowish colour which…

9th February

…Podocarpus henkelii Rehderodendron kwangtungense appears to be fully evergreen here. Rehderodendron kwangtungense Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybing White’ from afar with a dark background. Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybing White’ The tender Quercus fleuryi…

17th November

…– the best dark red I think was not out and only had two buds on an 8ft plant, so no image of that for you. 2018 – CHW Some…

7th July

…year but the foliage remains different to our other 2 older plants. Longer, more pointed leaves which are darker in colour. Carrierea calycina Carrierea calycina 2022 – CHW Quite a…