16th December

…feeling sorry for itself. Rhododendron crassum Camellia japonica ‘Takanini’ nicely fronts the orange-red branches of Tilia cordata ‘Winter Orange’ in Kennel Close. An excellent colour combination! Camellia japonica ‘Takanini’ Camellia…

1st June

…had a few pinkish flowers in November to December. Berberidopsis beckleri Platycrater arguta in bud. Platycrater arguta Platycrater arguta Podocarpus wangii with its exceptional orange new growth. Podocarpus wangii Podocarpus…

30th May

…from seed and here a flower. Rhododendron yuefengense Raf Lennart’s gift of Magnolia figo var crassipes x (M. foveolata x M. laevifolia) with its first flower. Orange velvet on the…

3rd June

…late red with a hint of an orange centre. Azalea ‘Gena May’ Azalea ‘Gena May’ Azalea unknown – a big clump by the Trevanion Holly. Azalea unknown Azalea unknown Azalea…

Visit to Tregrehan – 3rd November 2018

…which we avidly collected a few. A smallish shrub with remarkable pink tinged horn like capsules and orange-red seeds hanging below. Unremarkable in flower but startling today with seeds. Euonymus…

13th November

Orange indumentum on the underside of the leaves quite something too! Rhododendron bureavii Rhododendron bureavii First flowers on Camellia sasanqua ‘Snow Flurry’. Camellia sasanqua ‘Snow Flurry’ Camellia sasanqua ‘Snow Flurry’…

17th July

…the wind outside our kitchen window. Romneya coulteri Romneya coulteri ‘Eggs and bacon’ (Lotus corniculatus) in the lawn – some with orange flowers. Also known as Birds Foot Trefoil. ‘Eggs…

A trip to Tregrehan to study Hydrangeas

…the glasshouse with orange indumentum on the new growth. May be hardy enough for outside. Magnolia dandyi Magnolia dandyi Magnolia dandyi Clematis tubulosa (I think). Clematis tubulosa Clematis tubulosa Magnolia…

11th August

…Photinia villosa just starting to turn orange. Photinia villosa A well gnawed old lead label for Pittosporum daphniphyllum. Why do squirrels like these original lead labels so much? Few survived…

15th November

…at the same time. A valuable plant! Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouillere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouillere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouillere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouillere’ Larix kaempferi glowing yellowish with a hint of orange/red in the…