…‘Golden Scalycap’ (Pholiota aurivella) ‘Golden Scalycap’ (Pholiota aurivella) ‘Golden Scalycap’ (Pholiota aurivella) Euonymus morrisonensis with open seed capsules and just the odd orange seed left inside. Euonymus morrisonensis 2021 –…
…be able to identify from our website? – ‘Alice Handley’ Penstemon ‘Alice Hindley’ A very pretty geum with yellowish new flowers turning orange with yellow flecks. Better than Geum ‘Totally…
…with a good crop of fruits too which have yet to split to reveal the orange seeds. Euonymus europaeus A few excellent autumn colour photos on the drive today. autumn…
…striking orange foxglove Digitalis ‘Spice Island’ Aruncus ‘Horatio’ Aruncus ‘Horatio’ Aruncus ‘Horatio’ 2017 – CHW I am sure that I planted this cedar tree as Cedrus atlantica but, although green…
…‘Atropurpureum’ Rhododendron calophylum and Acer palmatum ‘Atropurpureum’ Orange clusters of fruits on the Photinia which we think is Photinia glabra although Hiller’s says that this has red fruits? Gathered some…
…at the top but has now started to perform again. A stronger colour mix than usual with more of a red tinge to add to the orange. deciduous azalea deciduous…
…in wet semi shade where we have lost it twice. Disanthus cercidifolius Disanthus cercidifolius Meliosma oldhamii looks nothing like our much younger plant? No orange indumentum on the buds. Its…
…papyrifera ‘Rex’ with a flower developing. Growing on a hedge outside the old packing shed. Tetrapanax papyrifera ‘Rex’ 2017 – CHW Ripe yellowish orange berries now on Pourthiaea beauverdiana var….
…have orange and yellow tints while the leader has more purple tones with a hint of black. It is in a good spot to be seen from the drive and…
…Lavalleei ‘Carrierei’ with its first crop of (at present) still orange fruits. Planted a year ago. Crataegus x Lavalleei ‘Carrierei’ Cotoneaster thimphuensis still with plenty of ripe berries. Cotoneaster thimphuensis…