2nd March

…the east winds started. The purple one in the centre is Magnolia ‘F J Williams’. I rather doubt that anyone in the country is admiring such a display today! magnolias…

20th September

…young plant. The new growth starts purple before fading. Ehretia thysiflora Ehretia thysiflora Ehretia thysiflora Quercus laurifolia too has enjoyed the wet since August and has plenty of secondary new…

14th June

…trip today to Kennel Close. Carpinus shensiensis Carpinus shensiensis Carpinus betulus ‘Purpurea’ with purple showing now only on the very new growth near the base of the trunk. Carpinus betulus…

14th September

…few more new plant entries for 2017: Agastache ‘Blackadder’ is an attractive late flowering dark blue purple. Quite a show in a herbaceous border for September and growing to about…

10th June

…Fields’ Cornus kousa ‘Weaver’s Weeping’ is now in full shade and flowering below its potential. Cornus kousa ‘Weaver’s Weeping’ Hydrangea serrata ‘Tiara’ full out. Purple foliage and the blue flowers…

13th September

…Physalis franchettii Stachyurus praecox with a good purple autumn toning. Earlier in the nursery than in the garden. Stachyurus praecox One forgets how good the Hamamelis autumn colour can be…

9th September

…now full out. A hint of purple around the stigmas. Hoheria sexstylosa ‘Crataegifolia’ Hoheria sexstylosa ‘Crataegifolia’ Plenty of flower buds on Polyspora longicarpa. Polyspora longicarpa Tristaniopsis laurina, the Water gum,…

In the Burncoose gardens end of March 2019

I visited Burncoose Gardens this weekend and saw this new Michelia foveolata species in the Burncoose gardens, it has has yet to flower.

However the Michelia maccleurei is flowering for the very first time.

The Rhododendron genestrianum is also currently in flower with its dark purple flowers. This is a short lived and rare, tender Rhododendron which is difficult to propagate by cuttings.

14th January

…New Zealand Fuchsia exorticatica is more or less full out with its odd and rather hidden green and purple flowers protruding from the stems. A spring flowerer normally. New Zealand…

13th January

…in its deer shelter and there may even be flower buds forming. Older leaves have good white undersides. Younger leaves have a touch of purple indumentum underneath. Those in between…