4th June

…monodelpha about to flower. I am reasonably confident that this young plant is correctly named if only from its foliage colour last autumn. Stewartia monodelpha 2018 – CHW To Tregullow…

28th June

…Tilia insularis Tilia insularis Sorbus rosea (SEP 492) with berries already. Sorbus rosea (SEP 492) Eriobotrya aff. elliptica var. petelotii (BWJ16323) ready for planting in the autumn. You would not…

9th May

…the purple undersides to its leaves which are also quite outstanding. Disanthus cercidifolius is a plant noted for its autumn colours which we have failed to grow despite three attempts….

26th April

…the tunnel. The magnolias which arrived at the same time are growing on well beside the acers. The acers came from the NZ autumn straight into our summer when, in…

1st March

…Illicium species flower in spring, summer and autumn. Illicium philippinense (CWJ 12466) Illicium philippinense (CWJ 12466) 2022 – CHW Asia has been busy with our magnolia grafting and air layering….

16th April

…away out to sea in the autumn but this last crop stayed all winter. Will the mother return? Is the newly arrived swan her former mate? It will be interesting…

16th May

…to collect in the autumn as I suspect these plants are nearing the end of their lives when they set seed like this. Rhododendron tethropeplum A small newly planted clump…

19th April

…planted in the autumn in the Kitchen Garden. Malus ‘Evereste’ Our largest Magnolia stellata ‘Jane Platt’ (syn. ‘Rosea’) near Rogers Quarry. Magnolia stellata ‘Jane Platt’ Even the youngest Embothriums are…

12th March

…Rhododendron cilpinense Rhododendron cilpinense I think this is Boquila trifoliata outside the back yard with buds and copious new growth appearing. It is supposed to flower in the autumn or…

24th May

…the autumn and paid the price with much dieback. Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ The original Aesculus wilsonii is leafing and flowering better than I dared hope. I had thought it was…