22nd April

…tzumu The double flowered Rhododendron ‘Johnny Johnstone’ has lasted in flowers for weeks and weeks this year. Rhododendron ‘Johnny Johnstone’ Rhododendron ‘Johnny Johnstone’ Eriobotrya deflexa and Embothrium lanceolatum in flower…

15th April

Johnstone’ Rhododendron ‘Johnny Johnstone’ Rhododendron ‘Van Nes Sensation’ Rhododendron ‘Van Nes Sensation’ Something is, like last year, biting the Embothrium flowers in half to get at the nectar. Pigeons or…

23rd March

…A garden tour for some. Others went around the propagation area. garden tour garden tour garden tour garden tour garden tour Alison sits on one end of a bench which…

23rd June

…locate Primula vialli ‘Alison Holland’. Primula vialli ‘Alison Holland’ The new to us Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ is a good thing. Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ All the camellia liners now potted on…

10th January

…than Rhododendron ‘Alison Johnstone’ has some flowers. It is a near deciduous and rather frail hybrid. Rhododendron ‘Peace’ Rhododendron ‘Peace’ The largest Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ below Donkey Shoe is just…

5th May

…but less striking edgeworthii hybrid. RHODODENDRON johnstoneanum ‘Double Diamond’ RHODODENDRON johnstoneanum ‘Double Diamond’ Rhododendron johnstoneanum ‘Double Diamond’ may be a weak and insipid, short lived plant but it is superb…

26th April

…is becoming rock hard. Worrying in April.Six more deer in the larder from the weekend including a four to five year old fallow (one of ten seen).Rhododendron ‘Johnny Johnstone’ now…

17th April

…of ‘Johnnie Johnstone’ really which we planted out two to three weeks ago. Rhododendron johnstoneanum ‘Double Diamond’ Rhododendron johnstoneanum ‘Double Diamond’ Rhododendron johnstoneanum ‘Double Diamond’ The Rhododendron ‘Emma Williams’ clump…

29th April

…Magnolia ‘Kousious’ (the odd name again) is very fine today. Magnolia ‘Kousious’ Magnolia ‘Kousious’ Michelia foveolata just out a month or so late. Michelia foveolata Rhododendron ‘Johnny Johnstone’ with its…

10th April

…More large rhododendrons The rare, short lived, temperamental and tender Rhododendron johnstoneanun ‘Johnny Johnstone’ with its odd double flowers was planted today by Georges Hut as a group of three….