23rd May

…of the 1991 hurricane replanting. Quite a lot more still to do. Thinning work Thinning work Jaimie cleared around a magnolia at the top of the hill which is not…

12th March

Hillier’. Magnolia ‘Sir Harold Hillier’ John and Isla. John and Isla Lizzie and Sue Lancaster. Lizzie and Sue Lancaster Michelia martinii has a gorgeous scent. Michelia martinii Camellia reticulata ‘Dr…

10th July

…former stables. Tipsy Wight Tipsy Wight Tipsy Wight The wonderful view from the Lovegrove’s Hill Farm near Bembridge facing south. Ash disease is taking hold all over the farm. view…

2nd March

…The Old Park Magnolia ‘Vairano’ is now full out. Magnolia ‘Vairano’ First very pale and poor flower on a young Magnolia sprengeri ‘Marwood Hill’ on the bank at Old Park….

21st September

…and East Portholland.Borde Hill have sent an email announcing that their Emmenopterys henryi is flowering again. This, and photographs, are attached here. Ours is of a similar age and 80ft…

16th September

…bottom of the Portholland Valley below Parnalls Hill Wood. The licence did not arrive on time due to COVID so work only started a month ago. We have retained all…

24th February

…very nearly the same as the ‘Ethel Hillier’ we looked at recently. Nice enough but not pure white! Magnolia campbellii ‘Sir Harold Hillier’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Sir Harold Hillier’ Magnolia sargentiana…

21st February

…camellia gifted (as cuttings) from Hergest Croft Gardens but originating from Marwood Hill and Jimmy Smart. camellia gifted (as cuttings) from Hergest Croft Gardens A second Melliodendron xylocarpum now in…

4th July

…protestors block the M5 and A30 so only the very slow coastal route home via Dorchester and Honiton. Marwood Hill Garden have just won a Gold Medal at Hampton Court…

11th August

…Nicely shaded here and prospering where ‘Hot Chocolate’ was not. Hydrangea aspera Villosa Hydrangea aspera Villosa Aesculus parviflora well out too. Aesculus parviflora 2021 – CHW Hoheria ‘Borde Hill’ also…