8th April

…‘Omoinoyama’ Prunus incisa ‘Omoinoyama’ Lindera triloba just in flower. Lindera triloba Rhododendron ‘Princess Anne’ (lanceanum x keiskei) Rhododendron ‘Princess Anne’ Rhododendron ‘Princess Anne’ Lysichiton camschaticum Lysichiton camschaticum Sorbaria sorbifolia ‘Sem’…

10th January

…var. praecox 2023 – CHW A welcome and unexpected day off as two shooting parties appeared yesterday at 9am on the same day. Consternation but the second shooting party had…

24th November

…regeneration has not occurred. natural regeneration natural regeneration natural regeneration natural regeneration Seed heads on Daphniphyllum oldhamii (CWJ 1235) which we have not seen before. Daphniphyllum oldhamii (CWJ 1235) Daphniphyllum…

5th August

…flowering on Magnolia ‘Apollo’ – nearly the same colour as in late spring. Magnolia ‘Apollo’ 2020 – CHW Eucryphia glutinosa covered by Wisteria sinensis with secondary flowering. Eucryphia glutinosa covered

22nd February

…to catch up with a few as we complete another phase of spring planting. This is what most of the public are missing seeing today! A battered and perhaps slightly…

16th June

…even a decent shower and the flowers are irreparably buggered!You can see I got bored with the photography! Paparer orientale ‘Royal Wedding’ 2015 – CHW The tiny frogs are still…

13th January

…the main stem on Ehretia dicksonii. A very gnarled habit. Ehretia dicksonii The podocarps on a female Podocarpus matudae are suddenly ripe and now dropping as they turn from red

10th September

…wet one. Better with the dead twigs now removed. Disanthus cercidifolius just starting its autumn colour. Disanthus cercidifolius This elderly Illicium anisatum was pictured in this diary as dead at…

17th January

…habit to the others. 8 feet tall with a truss of leaves only at the top. Bare single stem. Schefflera rhododendrifolia (CWJ 9075) Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ covered in flowers but…

19th January

…stamens. We have seedlings with the red stamens that we have tentatively, not registered, called C.’Rafe’ (we need to find an “Eddie” next for a full family!). Yours looks different…