23rd October

…has surprising red/bronze turning leaves. Forsythia ‘Lynwood’ Rhododendron fragrantissimum is shedding its older leaves in an attractive way. Rhododendron fragrantissimum The second single white sasanqua camellia is just out. Larger…

11th October

…the top. Acer henryi Acer henryi Meanwhile Tetracentron sinense, with its odd leave structure, is not. Tetracentron sinense Tetracentron sinense Eriobotrya deflexa still has its wonderful reddish-bronze new growth. Eriobotrya…

8th October

…in habit with bronze leaves that show a hint of red on the newer growth. Cotinus coggyria ‘Lilla’ Cotinus coggyria ‘Lilla’ Yucca filamentosa ‘Ivory Towers’ is a startling colour combination….

7th May

…is Rhododendron ovatum; a rather insipid pink with nice bronze new growth. Perhaps a colour more reflective of the likely outcome. Less boring anyway than the political crap on the…

26th November

…at the bronze indumentum left covering next year’s leaf bud. This is the best form of this species which came from Nigel Holman’s plant at Chyverton. Magnolia globosa Quercus buckleyi…

29th April

…amazing double flowers. Rhododendron ‘Johnny Johnstone’ Sophora macrophylla ‘Sun King’ has no leaves after the cold but huge amounts of flower. Sophora macrophylla ‘Sun King’ Wonderful reddish-bronze new growth on…

17th May

…Staphylea holocarpa var rosea Staphylea holocarpa var rosea Populus deltoides ‘Purple Tower’ is a new plant to Caerhays. If the leaf stays this bronze colour we are in for a…

Irish trip April 2018

…a gigantic Dacryarpus dacrydiodes planted in 1916 and only recently correctly labelled. Very different in habit and leaf form to our two young trees at home. Our foliage is bronze

21st April

…and has plenty of buds to come. Isopogon formosus Isopogon formosus Two large Grevillea ‘Bronze Rambler’ also have tight buds and we have never exhibited this before. Elsewhere less good…

13th May

…Rhododendron loderi which go unnoticed by Schima superba. Rhododendron loderi Rhododendron morii from Glendoick with bronze new growth which our plants have never had. Rhododendron morii New growth on Pseudotaxus…