20th April

…is said to be rather tender. Chinese origin. We await the ‘hawthorn-like’ flowers sometime in the next few years. Osteomeles subrotunda A few 2017 planted magnolias in the Isla Rose…

2nd July

…blackboard at the garden entrance has much to say about biodiversity and nature but is clearly also a tacit admission that the place is becoming scruffy and untended. A botanic…

11th April

…just coming. Rhododendron moorii Betula albosinensis ‘Chinese Garden’ (syn. ‘China Rose’) with wonderful peeling bark. Betula albosinensis ‘Chinese Garden’ Betula albosinensis ‘Chinese Garden’ Wonderful trunks and bark on Lithocarpus hancei….

10th July

…original Chinese introduction here which still survives) Meliosma alba (formerly Meliosma beaniana – original Chinese introduction here which still survives) Meliosma veitchiorum (the only one to retain its original name…

21st January

…by the Chinese as a bad omen. I wonder if China has a similar massive flowering in its bamboo species today?! I dare say the flat earth nutters on social…

13th September

…a subspecies of Aucuba chinensis by Chinese taxonmoists or simply a form of Aucuba chinensis. Roy begs to differ and it is hard not to agree with him. This is…

21st October

…IDS website reports a recent name change to Cladrastis delavayi. This is the Chinese species which is said to be a far more reliable flowerer in the UK than Cladrastis…

6th May

…of a blackbird nesting for the third year running in the same place in ivy behind a Callistemon rigidus (as you can see from the gnarled seedpods). Lots to be…

30th April

…another example of how mad this is all getting.However I do not see much Chinese involvement in our 5G networks happening whatever the government said pre COVID. The wisteria on…