24th February

…open and more to come. Rho lutescens is nice in particular one of the cut back plants. There have been flowers on the Gordonia all the winter. There are some…

12th January

…brought in by Philip. 1964 – FJW Charles picked first snowdrop. 1935 – JCW A few Lutescens, the best of the mucronulatum killed on Jan 11th. 1914 – JCW Coums…

19th February

…barbatum, lutescens, ririei, also Blood Reds and Sutchuenense hybrids out, Leucaspis and both Moupinense and its hybrids. I picked 12 different red cups and clear yellows in Tin Garden. No…

18th January

…1928. Some Moupinense and Lutescens at their best, Hamamelis still good, also some Rho mucronulatum. Speciosa on wall open at the top wall. Hybrids some covered with flower. Cam reticulata…

3rd February

…species of Rhodo showing some flower Lutescens – Scabrifolium and Sutchunense are good, Praecox is the best thing open. 1916 – JCW Rhodo’ species in flower Lutescens, Sutchuenense, Flavidum, Intricatum,…

12th April

…‘Jim Russell’ (cilicalyx hybrid). Rhododendron ‘Jim Russell’ Rhododendron lutescens at its very best on Quarry Path. Rhododendron lutescens 2020 – CHW I have been wondering why attacks are being made…

29th December

…outside Malvern House in the village. Jasminum nudiflorum Rhododendron lutescens nearly fully out by Red Linney. Rhododendron lutescens First flowers on just one (as yet) of the larger Rhododendron ‘Winter…

21st March

…Peter and early M above crino hedge. 1931 – JCW Very hard frost on March 9, Rhodo’s just recovering and Lutescens leads a long way and the Camellia speciosa has…

3rd December

…still very good also Oleifera. Big quarry early pink been out for 3 weeks, also Engine House double white. Lapagerias good, some fuchsias still nice. Rho lutescens a lot out…

14th March

…drive (the pink form). This was a JCW hybrid between Rhododendron lutescens and Rhododendron moupinense which received an AM in 1937. Normally out first in February; this year’s show has…