9th August

…clump of Rhododendron maddenii. Rhododendron maddenii Flowers on the rare Viburnum triphyllum which I do not remember seeing before? A huge drooping plant now. Planted in 2010. Viburnum triphyllum Viburnum…

12th July

…‘Jack Fogg’. Magnolia x foggii ‘Jack Fogg’ Another good clump of Rhododendron maddenii near Tin Garden just opening. Very few flowers this year. Rhododendron maddenii Maytenus magellanica getting going a…

11th November

…crassifolius Huge seedpods on the Rhododendron maddenii with the largest flowers – not yet ripe in the main. Rhododendron maddenii Camellia heimalis ‘Dazzler’ above the Orchid House Nursery. Camellia heimalis…

5th November

…of Rhododendron maddenii at Donkey Shoe had to be cut back as some branches had died off. Several layers moved elsewhere in the process which was unexpected. Rhododendron maddenii Acer…

23rd June

…of Pink’. Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’ Acer sikkimense with seed tassles. Acer sikkimense The base of our largest Camellia taliensis. Camellia taliensis Several clumps of Rhododendron maddenii now coming out….

22nd June

…foggii ‘Jack Fogg’ Philadelphus pekinensis in flower but not profusely as yet two and a half years from planting. Philadelphus pekinensis Philadelphus pekinensis First flowers on Rhododendron maddenii below Donkey…

19th June

…Chionanthus virginicus nicely out. Chionanthus virginicus In the shade, a decently flowering Rhododendron maddenii. Rhododendron maddenii A tail end flower on Magnolia acuminata. Magnolia acuminata One of Major Howell’s rhododendrons…

19th April

…very good. An odd bit if Maddenii. Still a lot of daffs. 1928 – JCW Daffs over all but the two poets. Gordonias cut back to last years wood. Reticulatas…

24th May

…Rhododendron macabeanum Rhododendron macabeanum The first flowering on a rhododendron grown from a cutting given to us by Chip Luma. It looks like a seriously good form of Rhododendron maddenii….

14th July

…flag canon Buttonholes of Rhododendron maddenii and Magnolia virginiana. Buttonholes Buttonholes RJW and Beatrice. RJW and Beatrice The chief photographer gets into his swing. Karol! Karol! Isla in her party…