11th June

…Rhododendron auriculatum just coming out by Georges Hut. One of the parents of Rhododendron ‘Polar Bear’. Rhododendron auriculatum Rhododendron auriculatum This Paulownia kawakamii has sadly split in half in the…

20th July

…Catalpa sechuanensis also with dark secondary new growth. Catalpa sechuanensis Seed heads forming on Paulownia kawakamii. Paulownia kawakamii Sorbus gongashica with odd shaped fruits. Sorbus gongashica Sorbus gongashica Populus purdomii…

2nd November

…the curling and, finally, the dropping. Carrierea calycina Carrierea calycina Carrierea calycina Tony Kirkham’s great introduction of Paulownia kawakamii from Taiwan is already laden with bud for next spring. Last…

28th June

…impressive in full flower. Ptelea trifoliata ‘Aurea’ Hydrangea luteovenosa (BSWJ 11524) has very tiny flowers but they are nicely scented. Hydrangea luteovenosa (BSWJ 11524) Asia has grown Paulownia taiwaniana from…

30th December

…the camellia foliage planting. Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’ First buds out on Paulownia tomentosa ‘Lilacina’. Paulownia tomentosa ‘Lilacina’ The first good red flower on a pure Camellia japonica. Camellia…

23rd June

…amurensis Seedpods forming nicely for Asia to gather later on Paulownia kawakamii. Paulownia kawakamii Irregular variegation on Ginkgo biloba ‘Variegata’ but this is a very variegated twig. Ginkgo biloba ‘Variegata’…

30th September

…‘Alba Plena’ Still a great show on Magnolia ‘Yakeo’. Magnolia ‘Yakeo’ Astonishingly vigorous late new growth on Paulownia kawakamii. Paulownia kawakamii Photinia villosa var. coreana loaded with berries. Photinia villosa…

5th October

…size of this leaf on Paulownia kawakamii. Paulownia kawakamii A flowering pot-full of Liriope muscari. Liriope muscari 2020 – CHW A good long trip around the garden with the new…

27th May

…for the first time. Unspectacular perhaps but an interesting colour. A very variable species. Rhododendron (Azalea) calendulaceum ‘Sandling orange-red form’ The Paulownia tomentosa ‘Lilacina’ clump above the greenhouse lived only…

22nd April

…turczaninowii. Unusual habit. Carpinus turczaninowii var. turczaninowii Still loads of flowers on Paulownia fargesii weeks after we saw the first. Paulownia fargesii 2023 – CHW A nursery visit.Trillium grandiflorum in…