4th April

…Rehderodendron kwangtungense More pictures of the impressive Paulownia fortunei. Paulownia fortunei Paulownia fortunei The first deciduous azalea to show in Kennel Close. deciduous azalea Plagianthus betulinus in flower by Slip…

7th May

…normal colour for comparison. normal colour for comparison The second and proper spring flowering of Paulownia tomentosa ‘Lilacina’. A very gentle blue with a yellow throat. Paulownia tomentosa ‘Lilacina’ Paulownia

19th May

…in the foreground. Strangely the other paulownia species have yet to flower. Paulownia tomentosa ‘Lilacina’ Another named Magnolia sieboldii but only the tail end of the label survives and it…

23rd April

…confusa Paulownia tomentosa – the best shaped and most floriferous tree of this sort I have seen. Paulownia tomentosa Paulownia tomentosa Euphorbia x pasturei – Euphorbia mellifera is one parent….

16th May

…Lake’ Magnolia ‘Coral Lake’ Paulownia kawakamii just coming out in Kennel Close. It will be the best thing in the garden in a week or so. Paulownia tomentosa ‘Lilacina’ is…

25th April

…Penvergate for some years with whiter flowers than this and with more yellow centres in the lip of the trumpets. Now nearly dead after 25 years. Paulownia fortunei Paulownia fortunei…

24th April

…against the blue sky. 40-50ft tall now in less than half that number of years. Paulownia tomentosa ‘Lilacina’ Paulownia tomentosa ‘Lilacina’ Sally Hayward has very kindly been transcribing handwritten records…

23rd May

…there is a decent paulownia in the corner of Penvergate. Paulownia Still a few buds and flowers on Magnolia ‘Apollo’ – what a ‘laster’! Magnolia ‘Apollo’ Magnolia ‘Apollo’ This area…

31st May

…much damaged Paulownia tomentosa in the Main Quarry. Plant Paulownias where you can look down on them is the cry but, as here, the flowers are still too far away…

11th June

…Rhododendron auriculatum just coming out by Georges Hut. One of the parents of Rhododendron ‘Polar Bear’. Rhododendron auriculatum Rhododendron auriculatum This Paulownia kawakamii has sadly split in half in the…