17th April

…Magnolia ‘Yuchelia’ Paulownia tomentosa ‘Lilacina’ just opening. Paulownia tomentosa ‘Lilacina’ Magnolia ‘Tropicana’ now full out. Magnolia ‘Tropicana’ Magnolia ‘Gold Star’ Magnolia ‘Gold Star’ Magnolia ‘Gold Star’ Rhododendron niveum Rhododendron niveum…

27th April

…name and leaving the best colours to last. A long lasting hybrid in flower. Magnolia ‘Crescendo’ Paulownia kawakamii just coming out in Kennel Close. Paulownia kawakamii We have never grown…

13th April

…Magnolia officinalis var. biloba Paulownia fortunei now properly out. Its early white flowers were frosted. Paulownia fortunei Magnolia ‘Scented Gem’ came from Kevin Hughes’ Plants. It is beautifully scented with…

10th May

…out at the Hothead. Rhododendron tethropeplum Rhododendron tethropeplum Rhododendron tethropeplum The Paulownia tomentosa ‘Lilacina’ clump lived about 30 years. They grew exponentially and died (all at once) with the same…

25th August

…Magnolia officinalis var biloba in Penvergate to see if this has seed pods too. Time for Asia to watch the various new species/forms of paulownia which we saw flower in…

2nd September

…seed has formed on Paulownia fortunei which flowered for the first time in the spring. 2016 – CHW Recently, in my absence, a formal visit from Plant Health to inspect…

21st February

…trees here which I labelled with the new labels today – Paulownia fortunei, Sorbus torminalis, Magnolia ‘Yellow Bird’ and Magnolia ‘Yellow Fever’. Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’ Magnolia campbellii…

16th September

…charging points Electric charging points In the early spring we dug out some old camellia stumps. Where we cut into the roots of a nearby Paulownia root suckers have appeared…

22nd September

…mutisianus BSWJ14912 Oreopanax sectifolius BSWJ14355 Parastyrax sp. nova BWJ15185 Paulownia taiwaniana BSWJ7134 Photinia serratifolia v. ardisifolia NMWJ14513 Rhodoleia aff. Henry (DJHV0640 or BSWJ11782-two labels on a plant) Rhodoleia parvipetala FMWJ13422…