10th November

…Isla Rose ate these last October during half term. Malus hupehensis Nyssa sylvatica ‘Wisley Bonfire’ with a reasonable show but the other 3 Nyssas here have been blown away already….

20th April

…opening ones. Camellia x williamsii ‘Caerhays’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Caerhays’ Salix undensis ‘Golden Sunshine’ just leafing up in Tin Garden. Salix undensis ‘Golden Sunshine’ Salix undensis ‘Golden Sunshine’ Magnolia ‘Daybreak’…

31st October

…Rose Plantation. All three grandchildren together! Lamorna Lamorna 2020 – CHW Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’ with its autumn colours which are interesting but not that spectacular. Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’…

23rd August

…not a bad name for the new growth. Pseudopanax ‘Gold Finger’ Pseudopanax ‘Gecko Gold’ has plain green, younger leaves and yellow, variegated, older ones. Pseudopanax ‘Gecko Gold’ Pseudopanax ‘Gecko Gold’…

8th May

…years of work but it needs more external (laurel etc.) shelter belts. Magnolia ‘Gold Star’ still in full flower at the entrance to Ethy Garden in partial shade. Magnolia ‘Gold

31st March

…Memory’ Narcissus ‘Astro Pink’ below White Stiles. Narcissus ‘Astro Pink’ Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ above the kennels. Not very golden really as I have commented before. Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Gold

7th April

…Kinokana’ (Bamboo) Chusquea couleou nicely pruned to show off its stems properly. Chusquea couleou Chusquea couleou Acer negundo ‘Kellys Gold’ with flower and emerging golden leaves. Acer negundo ‘Kellys Gold’…

25th May

‘Gold Cup’ – not bad for late season. Magnolia ‘Daybreak’ x M. ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Daybreak’ x M. ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Strawberry Shake’ (I think) although rather past its best….

7th September

…Eucalyptus gregsoniana Eucalyptus gregsoniana A single secondary flower on Magnolia ‘Illini Gold’. Magnolia ‘Illini Gold’ Crataegus durobrivensis with large ripe fruits. Crataegus durobrivensis I stupidly said the other day that…

24th February

…‘Maisie’ As has Rhododendron ‘Golden Oriole Busaco’ (Rhododendron moupinense x Rhododendron sulfureum). This form has much darker flowers than ‘Golden Oriole Talavera’ which was also Caerhays bred. Rhododendron ‘Golden Oriole…