7th January

…lost all but a few stragglers and has little to offer. Callicarpa shirasawanum A large bit of the record Laurus azorica has been blown over in the last couple of…

7th September

…has fared a little worse but has survived. Nearer the top of the banks above the greenhouse and in full sun. Cercidiphyllum japonicum ‘Strawberry’ A young Sorbus hedlundii (ex Roundabarrow)…

1st September

…split fairly easily. cutting up the huge beech tree Hedychium x moorei ‘Tara’ planted in 2020 below the Rabbit Warren. Hedychium x moorei ‘Tara’ Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Lime’ has turned…

9th January

…on Bond Street are much further on already. snowdrops 2022 – CHW Everything sodden but little damage in the garden after yesterday’s deluge.The start of the laurel cutting on the…

22nd February

…a little more pink than usual. Magnolia campbellii ‘Sir Harold Hillier’ Magnolia ‘Vulcan’ x ‘Black Tulip’ – excellent! Magnolia ‘Vulcan’ x ‘Black Tulip’ Magnolia ‘Vulcan’ x ‘Black Tulip’ Magnolia campbellii…

17th June

…pictures will nearly fill the missing website slots. What a peculiar little hydrangea-like thing it is with what looks like separate male and female flowers. Looks tenderish and a greenhouse…

10th April

…volition instead of its earlier floppiness which we tried to stake up with little success. Taiwania cryptomerioides Amelanchier sanguinea below the path on Sinogrande Walk. Another fairly unexciting variety. Amelanchier…

13th January

Next Day > < Previous Day CONTRIBUTORS: FJW 1955-2007 CHW 2015- JCW 1897-1939 CW 1940-1955 2024 – CHW Despite a week of coldish east winds and a little frost in…

29th July

…but much the same as ‘Diabolo’ or ‘Lady in Red’. Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Andre’ Leucothoe axillaris ‘Little Flames’ looked good. Leucothoe axillaris ‘Little Flames’ Hypericum ‘Sunny Boulevard’ was a pale yellow….

12th June

…var. hayatiana. Styrax formosanus var. hayatiana Also on Styrax wuyuanensis. Styrax wuyuanensis 2020 – CHW Rhododendron auriculatum just out but very few flowers after two dry summers and little new…