31st October

…Rose Plantation. All three grandchildren together! Lamorna Lamorna 2020 – CHW Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’ with its autumn colours which are interesting but not that spectacular. Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’…

24th December

…feet and filling out. Cephalotaxus harringtonii ‘Korean Gold’ Cephalotaxus harringtonii ‘Korean Gold’ Magnolia “Todd’s Forty Niner” was showing colour this time last year but not today! Magnolia “Todd’s Forty Niner”…

23rd June

…climbers as well as free standing shrubs. Here Euonymus ‘Emerald and Gold’. Euonymus ‘Emerald and Gold’ Euonymus ‘Emerald and Gold’ Hebe rakiensis in full flower. Hebe rakiensis Hebe rakiensis Brachyglottis…

25th March

…– fair I suppose but nothing exceptional. Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Anticipation’ – quite a longstanding and well known hybrid soon to be superseded by better. From…

21st June

…Wilson’ Tilia chingiana has leaves which droop one-sidedly. Tilia chingiana Tilia chingiana Tilia chingiana Tilia mongolica ‘Harvest Gold’ Tilia mongolica ‘Harvest Gold’ Tilia mongolica ‘Harvest Gold’ Quercus maurii is trying…

2nd May

…spring show? Quercus palustris ‘Flaming Suzy’ Quercus palustris ‘Flaming Suzy’ Corylopsis spicata ‘Golden Spring’ living up to its name. Corylopsis spicata ‘Golden Spring’ Corylopsis spicata ‘Golden Spring’ Staphylea colchica ‘Black…

20th May

…of this exceptional form. Rhododendron sinogrande Rhododendron ‘Champagne’ (‘Tortoiseshell Champagne’) – a Slocock hybrid. Rhododendron ‘Champagne’ Rhododendron ‘Champagne’ Rhododendron ‘Fusilier’ Rhododendron ‘Fusilier’ Rhododendron ‘Fusilier’ Rhododendron ‘Golden Torch’ Rhododendron ‘Golden Torch’…

8th July

…developing well. Victoria plums Crab apples formed but far from ripe. crab apple A small red fruited crab apple. crab apple A golden hop dominates an apple tree. golden hop…

5th July

…Fuchsia ‘Lady Bacon’ properly out by the tower. Fuchsia ‘Lady Bacon’ Cornus kousa ‘China Doll’ nearly over. Cornus kousa ‘China Doll’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks-Blue’ and Cornus kousa ‘Gold Star’. Hydrangea ‘Fireworks-Blue’…

23rd April

…Not bad for late April! Magnolia ‘Daybreak’ x M. ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Daybreak’ x M. ‘Gold Cup’ Malus ‘Jelly King’ has light pink buds opening pure white as you see…