12th February

Gold’ – a new one in our catalogue this year. The golden foliage of autumn has faded. Erica x darleyensis ‘Eva Gold’ Erica x darleyensis ‘Eva Gold’ Erica carnea ‘Eva’…

15th May

…Echium gentianoides Thymus citriodorus ‘Archer’s Gold’ covering a seating area. When you sit you get the scent or, today, a wet arse! Thymus citriodorus ‘Archer’s Gold’ Thymus citriodorus ‘Archer’s Gold’…

1st August

…hardy? Clare will know. Here is my ‘new’ plant offering anyway.Pride of place at the entrance went to Rudbeckia lac. ‘Goldquelle’. Rudbeckia lac. ‘Goldquelle’ Rudbeckia lac. ‘Goldquelle’ Penstemon ‘Laura’ was…

11th September

…clump of Acidanthera (Gladiolus ‘Murielae’) which has a fine scent. Acidanthera (Gladiolus ‘Murielae’) Lonicera nitida ‘Baggesen’s Gold’ a good replacement for box edging. Lonicera nitida ‘Baggesen’s Gold’ The water feature….

25th July

…secondary flowers. Magnolia ‘Todd’s Fortyniner’ Another scented Rhododendron dies. The rain came too late. Another scented Rhododendron dies Hydrangea sargentiana ‘Gold Rush’ putting on a good show. Hydrangea sargentiana ‘Gold

18th February

…a galanthophile myself?Galanthus nivalis ‘Wendys Gold’ Galanthus nivalis ‘Wendys Gold’ Galanthus nivalis ‘Wendys Gold’ Galanthus nivalis ‘Sam Arnott’ Galanthus nivalis ‘Sam Arnott’ Galanthus nivalis ‘Sam Arnott’ Galanthus nivalis ‘Augustus’ Galanthus…

8th January

…intermedia ‘Firecracker’ Hamamelis mollis ‘Jermyn’s Gold’ a decent yellow but not that different really. Hamamelis mollis ‘Jermyn’s Gold’ Hamamelis mollis ‘Jermyn’s Gold’ A tree order for a landscape customer in…

22nd July

…out in flower although its leaves have lost some of their yellowish hue despite being in shade. Hydrangea sargentiana ‘Gold Rush’ Hydrangea sargentiana ‘Gold Rush’ Another clump nearby of three…

3rd July

…and ripening female fruits. Betula medwediewii ‘Gold Bark’ Betula medwediewii ‘Gold Bark’ Vaccinium dunalianum var. megaphyllum in full flower. I have never caught up with this properly before now. Has…

13th July

…sargentiana ‘Gold Rush’ Hydrangea sargentiana ‘Gold Rush’ The annual grass cut is perhaps halfway through. grass cut grass cut Seedheads well formed on Staphylea colchica. Staphylea colchica Grass cutting at…