5th November

…the WWII evacuees carved their names split in half. What’s left is dangerous and will have to be felled. beech tree Further down the drive a sweet chestnut has made…

6th April

…path in Old Park. Top path The Forestry Commission have asked us to cut off the younger shoots from the base of sweet chestnuts to avoid them getting infected with…

24th December

…2018 – CHW Tree fern seedlings developing in the moss at the base of an elderly sweet chestnut tree. Tree fern seedlings The sweet chestnut is dying of old age…

22nd July

…best. All seed picked. 1906 – JCW Buddleia variabilis is in flower. Have put out our two year old daffs. Sweet peas only fair. One or two late Lapagerias are…

20th February

…Mexico: Needham intro Mahonia sp. Ogishu 94056: One of Roy’s Philadelphus aff. sargentianus: Scandent branches, fragrant +++ free flowering Philadelphus maculatus ‘Sweet Clare’ Pinus emeritana Pinus imeritana Pinus siberica: Very…

15th June

…at the entrance. ‘Bodmin Market’ ‘Bodmin Market’ The entrance decorated. entrance Dad and Mum’s graves awaiting the return of the headstone and granite surround but with sweet william and a…

26th February

…diseased sweet chestnuts. I do not actually think Jaimie will care much either way about his new creation.Magnolia ‘F J Williams’ is itself a cross between Magnolia sargentiana var. robusta…

28th July

…two. Roses and sweet peas nice. Bulbs and seeds all finished. 1901 – JCW Just two cyclamen and one lapageria, some roses good in particular P Gontier, Princep, de Lagan,…

9th September

…outside wall of the main nursery walled garden. The result of the drought. The taste was quite sweet. Ficus pumila Ficus pumila Ficus pumila 2017 – CHW Presenting the cheques…

28th February

…Hooper’s New Zealand bred Magnolia ‘Plum Pudding’ out very early but a darker colour on opening than usual (Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Sweet Simplicity’ x Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’). Magnolia ‘Cleopatra’ Magnolia…