13th January

…– JCW I saw a plant of Ordus mascula coming up. 10 species of Rhodoⁿ show flower of which Barbatum and moupinense at the best. Cyclamen coum is coming on….

26th February

…Mag campbellii a few out, one lapageria left – Camellias good – also Rho moupinense and hybrids – some daffodils out – began to sell a week ago from K.G….

15th January

…barbatum, R moupinense, Thomsonii x a blood red, R oleifolium, R lutescens, R chrysanthum and a bit of Pearl. The snowdrops, coums and aconites are fair, no daffodils yet. Wilsons…

17th January

…before Christmas day. The double white Camellia has been nice since Christmas day and so the Hamamelis. 1924 – JCW The best Rhodo’n after mucronulatum is R parvifolium, moupinense is…

7th February

…with colour open in Tin Garden. Cam reticulata species out, also hybrids and Lady Clare. Several Blood Red x Rhododendron arboreum – also Moupinense very good. Heath darleyensis v g….

22nd January

…and cold. 1928 – JCW E darleyense ⅓ open Camellia speciosa, H mollis – R mucronulatum, R parvifolium, R moupinense all nice, Lutescens in the hall, several good hybrids open….

23rd January

…Orchard, many crimson scarlet hybrids show colour, R irroratum is opening. R scabrifolium, lutescens, baileyi, two forms of dahuricum – moupinense, several Caucasicums, a bit of Oreodoxa, some Rubiginosum and…

26th January

…Arborea is good so is lutescens and moupinense, cyclamineus open.1917 – JCW Nothing of any use excepting Hamamelis mollis which is very good.1901 – JCW I saw several yellow Crocus…

10th February

…few daffs open, quite ½ the ciliatum, Moupinense over, pink Arboreums show colour, best red hybrids wane, also Barbatum, R flavidum is very nice, Rendles scarlets moving, Argenteum ½ out,…

7th November

…similar severe damage in their gardens at the dinner the night before last.Caerhays exhibited seed of Magnolia nitida, seed of Photinia beauvardiana var. notabilis and fruits of Cotoneaster moupinense. The…