10th August

…flower on a young Magnolia grandiflora ‘Kay Parris’. Magnolia grandiflora ‘Kay Parris’ Hoheria sexstylosa ‘Snow White’ now full out. Hoheria sexstylosa ‘Snow White’ Hoheria sexstylosa ‘Snow White’ Diospyros cathayensis growing…

9th November

…Camellia ‘Snow Flurry’ (Camellia sasanqua x Camellia oleifera) full out. Camellia ‘Snow Flurry’ Camellia ‘Snow Flurry’ Camellia ‘Winters Toughie’ (Camellia sasanqua x Camellia oleifera) more or less full out. Camellia…

26th June

…Styrax japonicus ‘Snow Cone’ Styrax japonicus ‘Snow Cone’ Styrax japonicus ‘Snow Cone’ Magnolia globosa is now full out with rather more flowers than I had expected. Magnolia globosa Magnolia globosa…

30th March

…the drive by the fernery. Nicer than ‘Merrill’? Magnolia x loebneri ‘Snow Drift’ Magnolia x loebneri ‘Snow Drift’ Magnolia x loebneri ‘Snow Drift’ First flowers out on Magnolia ‘Butterflies’ on…

27th March

…new to the catalogue last year. Loropetalum ‘Carolina Moonlight’ Loropetalum ‘Carolina Moonlight’ New this year is Loropetalum ‘Ruby Snow’ with a sensational leaf/flower contrast. Loropetalum ‘Ruby Snow’ Loropetalum ‘Ruby Snow’…

18th April

…garden next spring. Rhododendron ‘Snow Lady’ Rhododendron ‘Snow Lady’ Rhododendron ‘Snow Lady’ Likewise some young Rhododendron burmanicum. Rhododendron burmanicum Rhododendron burmanicum I peeled the bark off an elderly Betula albosinensis…

5th March

…Fan’ Magnolia ‘Pickard’s Snow Queen’ not very floriferous. Magnolia ‘Pickard’s Snow Queen’ Magnolia ‘Big Dude’ – despite its name this is not actually a huge flower. I fear that this…

24th April

…show and still scented by George’s Hut. Camellia ‘Scentuous’ Last flower on Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ below Donkey Shoe. Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ Attractive new growth on Diplopanax stachyanthus (WWJ 12110). Diplopanax…

1st February

…shedding furiously below Donkey Shoe but there will be some flowers still to come out for weeks yet. Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ Camellia reticulata ‘Mary Williams’ full out….

30th December

…Slip Rail. Rather later out than last year. The other larger plants have yet to show. Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ The main clump of Rhododendron…