11th August
…Asimina triloba but this flowers earlier in the year and the flowers have six lobes and not four as here. The individual leaves are not unlike the Asimina growing on…
…Asimina triloba but this flowers earlier in the year and the flowers have six lobes and not four as here. The individual leaves are not unlike the Asimina growing on…
…this. Asimina triloba Asimina triloba Asimina triloba Maclura pomifera – Osage orange – as a small tree with some insignificant flowers and nasty prickles on the stems. Maclura pomifera Maclura…
…Star’ and Asimina triloba. No fruit on the Asimina. Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Red Star’ and Asimina triloba 2022 – CHW Thunderstorms and the plants in the garden finally look a bit…
…excelsa Asimina triloba in full flower. One of three mature trees here. The two much younger trees at Caerhays are variable and different in their flowering habits. We see individual…
…confirmed as Carissa macrocarpa!] Carissa macrocarpa Escallonia ‘Iveyi’ (Escallonia bifida x Escallonia exoniensis). Very similar to E. bifida which we saw last week at Caerhays in flower. Escallonia ‘Iveyi’ Asimina…
…formed on Asimina triloba alongside the leaf petioles. An odd shape which I had not taken in before. Asimina triloba 2021 – CHW A tedious day getting to grips with…
…really good Rhododendron ‘Polar Bear’ hidden away. Rhododendron ‘Polar Bear’ Euonymus wilsonii setting seed. Euonymus wilsonii Asimina triloba with only a few small flowers this year. Our two plants have…
…Star’ No fruits at all this year on Asimina triloba. Asimina triloba Lots more dead Aucuba below Hardy and Berts Nursery. dead Aucuba Magnolia ‘Coral Pink’ has always looked sickly….
…early autumn colours too starting to appear here and there. Asimina triloba has leaves which are nearly yellow as those on the Cladastris kentuckea. They go yellow then nearly white…
…Uocodendron whartonii) which proves this name change makes sense. What else has flowers shaped like these? Asimina triloba perhaps? The colours on the Disanthus cercidifolius have developed well over the…