7th May

Trochodendron aralioides – Taiwanese Form – in full flower and impressive. Burncoose now stocks this form as well as the commoner one. Trochodendron aralioides Trochodendron aralioides Rhododendron makinoi – narrow…

3rd April

…flower. Rhododendron racemosum Rhododendron racemosum This Trochodendron aralioides has layered itself and there are four young plants growing up away from the original tree. Trochodendron aralioides Trochodendron aralioides Views across…

30th April

…with early flower and interesting new growth. Trochodendron aralioides Trochodendron aralioides A young Rhododendron smirnowii with its first two flowers. Rhododendron smirnowii Azalea ‘Salmon Pink Cushion’ Azalea ‘Salmon Pink Cushion’…

28th September

…in Old Park but they are not yet ripe. Collect in about a month I guess. Trochodendron araliodes Trochodendron araliodes Stewartia rostrata in Penvergate is plastered in red seed pods…

6th February

…on Rhododendron monstroseanum. Rhododendron monstroseanum Unripe seed heads and foliage on Trochodendron araliodes – Taiwanese form. This is now a small spreading tree. Trochodendron araliodes Trochodendron araliodes Magnolia ‘Todd’s Forty…

28th January

…duclouxiana Cupressus duclouxiana Trochodendron araliodes from Taiwan has some seed heads which are mainly still green. Trochodendron araliodes Trochodendron araliodes 2017 – CHW A sunny day and mild to start…

10th May

…out with some buds like Rhododendron ‘Fragrantissimum’. Full out flowers get bruised and damaged in transit. Rhododendron ‘Michaels Pride’ Rhododendron ‘Fragrantissimum’ Trochodendron araliodes nicely in flower but the new growth…

28th March

…few yellows are already out in tunnels in the nursery and we have these and many more to now look forward to. 2015 – CHW TROCHODENDRON araliodes Tour of Old…

24th November

…Seed heads on the record Trochodendron aralioides in Old Park. Trochodendron aralioides A good show on a young Photinia villosa var. coreana by the Dog Kennels. Photinia villosa var. coreana…

19th April

…a show a little further on. A good dark form of Rhododendron augustinii. First colour on the ancient Playhouse wisteria. Flower buds just opening on Trochodendron aralioides. (Taiwanese form). Three…