22nd March

…fertilisation has occurred with another species? Podocarpus matudae Podocarpus matudae The usual exchange of plants took place with Tom kindly giving us a Lithocarpus kawakamii (from seed off his plant),…

The Cornwall Garden Society spring show

…with ripe podocarps. Podocarpus matudae Podocarpus matudae Podocarpus matudae Cephalotaxus sinensis (new to me – seems very like Cephalotaxus fortunei?). Cephalotaxus sinensis Cephalotaxus sinensis Melicytus alpinus – Roy Lancaster, the…

29th April

…a new first in the UK for this very rare and tender plant. PODOCARPUS matudae PODOCARPUS matudae FRUIT MELLIODENDRON xylocarpum No visit to Tregrehan would be complete without a viewing…

17th March

…with a flower Arbutus canariensis Arbutus canariensis Podocarpus matudae with huge podocarps Podocarpus matudae Podocarpus matudae Illicium mexicanum in full flower Illicium mexicanum Illicium mexicanum Rhododendron prostitum seedlings. Pink at…

28th December

…papyrifer ‘Rex’ Podocarpus matudae (female) with a great Christmas show. Podocarpus matudae Podocarpus matudae Roe deer have savaged the leader in a young Abies grandis. Four in the larder I…

11th August

…covered in still green podocarps. Podocarpus matudae Podocarpus matudae Afrocarpus falcatus (Podocarpus falcatus) has a very dense habit. Afrocarpus falcatus Afrocarpus falcatus This Magnolia campbellii ‘Copeland Court’ was cut back…

13th January

…to black. Podocarpus matudae Podocarpus matudae 2023 – CHW Daphniphyllum teysmannii is doing well at Donkey Shoe. Daphniphyllum teysmannii The ancient Lindera communis is regenerating well from the base after…

19th September

…showing drought stress on it leaves but with plenty of blue podocarps. Podocarpus matudae Podocarpus matudae The first flowering that we have seen of a newly planted Mahonia fortunei ‘Winter…

13th May

…I think this is Malus x purpurea by the Camellia ‘George Blandford’. Malus x purpurea Light yellowish-green new growth on a male Podocarpus matudae. Podocarpus matudae Podocarpus spinulosus also has…

26th May

…on Podocarpus matudae (male). Podocarpus matudae Magnolia ‘Southern Belle’ full out. Magnolia ‘Southern Belle’ Magnolia ‘Southern Belle’ Magnolia acuminata ‘Blue Opal’ flowering for the first time. Two previous plants died….