14th December

…snap continues. The Back Yard is a sheet of ice. Freezing rain showers. Roads unsafe.Rhododendron augustinii with a few secondary flowers by Tin Garden.# Rhododendron augustinii At the top of…

26th February

…for the magnolias. Not a day to venture outside but in the Burncoose cash point I find a nice plant of Magnolia ‘Cleopatra’, one of Vance Hooper’s New Zealand creations….

14th January

…Magnolia stellata Magnolia stellata The Spanish bluebells are now showing up vigorously. Spanish bluebells Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ has been battered by the rain but is now attempting to come out…

23rd February

…plant is not yet showing. The buds here are not bad in colour but overall they fade quickly and this one is nice but not really worthy of a name….

12th June

…and use old house martin nests. In Seaview one hears swift calling overhead all summer but our few have, so far, been entirely silent. The house martins take no notice

13th February

…planting out. Camellia champetre ‘Fairy Blush’ – looks rather tender Camellia champetre ‘Fairy Blush’ Camellia champetre ‘Fairy Blush’ Camellia ‘Silver Chalice’ Camellia ‘Silver Chalice’ Camellia ‘Silver Chalice’ Camellia ‘Black Magic’…

19th November

…a semi-double medium pink. Camellia ‘Winters Joy’ Camellia ‘Winters Joy’ Quite a nice show overall with four more varieties yet to perform. ‘Polar Ice’ is nearly out and seems very…

3rd January

…in the plans. Hardly accurate but quite nice today. Two more still to flower. Rhododendron ‘Mrs Butler’ Rhododendron ‘Mrs Butler’ A pheasant has pecked off the flower head of the…

30th December

…dropped. Jaimie’s new magnolia hybrid Camellia x williamsii ‘Beatrice Michael’ with its first flowers. Camellia x williamsii ‘Beatrice Michael’ 2020 – CHW So now the first real frost of the…

19th December

…all! 1970 – FJW Flowers out on pale Gunroom door Saluenensis – very mild indeed to date. 1933 – JCW Fuchsias cut down excepting my father’s old one. Ice on…