24th November

…Amazingly the Paulownia elongata, planted in 2007, which had such large buds a few weeks ago is now well out. It is clearly not a secondary flush of flower but…

26th October

…var. paraguayensis with its last flush of flower weeks after it first showed. By now raining heavily! Myrcia laurotteana var. paraguayensis Viburnum wilsonii with even better autumn colours than a…

10th November

…Nyssa sylvatica ‘Wisley Bonfire’ Escallonia bifida also with a decent flush of secondary flowers in November. Escallonia bifida Still there are Rhododendron davidsonianum with plenty of secondary flowers. Rhododendron davidsonianum…

14th August

…far, unscarred by drought. Hydrangea ‘Fireworks Blue’ 2021 – CHW My favourite edge of the moor’s garden noted for its roses which were sadly nearly overA second flush of flower…

17th November

…a week or three ago were, I thought, just a second autumn flush but this would seem to disprove this. Time will tell if it flowers again in January as…

30th August

…King’ Sorbus hedlundii with fruits. Sorbus hedlundii Quercus bushii ‘Seattle Trident’ with a flush of late new growth. Quercus bushii ‘Seattle Trident’ More roe buck damage on a birch trunk….

2nd August

…the one planted out this spring which has died in the drought. Expensive loss! Magnolia macrophylla Magnolia ‘Star Wars’ is performing again with a new flush of secondary flowers much…

3rd September

…udensis ‘Golden Sunshine’ 2018 – CHW The first flush of autumn colour on Cladastris kentuckea. Cladastris kentuckea The Beast damaged Rhododendron stenaulum is shooting away nicely at all levels after…

13th January

…Azalea ‘Hinomayo’ now nearing a full flush of flower. Azalea ‘Hinomayo’ Azalea ‘Hinomayo’ Fuchsia flowers still in abundance and some leaves still on the plants. Fuchsia Fuchsia 1964 – FJW…

31st July

…Plenty of fat seeds on Styrax hookeri. Styrax hookeri Calycanthus floridus ‘Athens’ with a very late flush of secondary flower. Calycanthus floridus ‘Athens’ Rhododendron prunifolium just coming out. Rhododendron prunifolium…