15th November

…Mammoth’ certainly lives up to its name at this time of the year. A rare swamp cypress from China related to Taxodium. Glyptostrobus pensilis ‘Woolly Mammoth’ Glyptostrobus pensilis ‘Woolly Mammoth’…

2nd July

…in the Levant as I have seen before with flower and fruit. Pyrus x michauxii Pyrus x michauxii Pyrus x michauxii Brahea armata – Mexican blue palm – these two…

17th February

…colour. Magnolia ‘Caerhays Splendour’ is the centrepiece with Magnolia ‘Raspberry Fun’, Magnolia ‘Antje Zandee’, Magnolia ‘Blue Opal’ and Magnolia ‘Mighty Mouse’ included as well. A new kalmia planting too as…

23rd July

…we grow with this name here. It had finished flowering and was setting seed. Meliosma_cuneifolia (MF97137) Meliosma_cuneifolia (MF97137) Meliosma_cuneifolia (MF97137) Meliosma_cuneifolia (MF97137) Abies nukiangense with blue cones and stripy undersides…

10th June

…Fields’ Cornus kousa ‘Weaver’s Weeping’ is now in full shade and flowering below its potential. Cornus kousa ‘Weaver’s Weeping’ Hydrangea serrata ‘Tiara’ full out. Purple foliage and the blue flowers…

23rd January

…moulmainense) 2023 – CHW Cold weather has departed.Rhododendron mucronulatum at its very best. Rhododendron mucronulatum Rhododendron mucronulatum Spanish bluebells sprouting already. Spanish bluebells Snowdrops here emerging slowly. Snowdrops Last flowers…

20th August

…secondary flowers. This single one by George’s Hut is not far off the spring norm in colour but a bit smaller. Magnolia ‘Caerhays Surprise’ Rhododendrnon ‘Blue Tit’ with its usual…

24th August

…‘Pendula’. Later than usual to show. Hoheria sextylosa ‘Pendula’ A good show of secondary flowers on Rhododendron ‘Blue Tit’. Rhododendron ‘Blue Tit’ Rhododendron ‘Blue Tit’ Seed forming in profusion on…

4th June

…name of this oak but I have sadly forgotten it. oak Sorbus dunnii looking good. Sorbus dunnii Viburnum dentatum ‘Blue Muffin’. Viburnum dentatum ‘Blue Muffin’ Brassaiopsis dumicola (KWJ 12217) growing…

9th May

…ciliicalyx ‘Honshu Blue’ Menziesia ciliicalyx ‘Honshu Blue’ Rhododendron aperantum has struggled ever since it was planted here 20+ year ago. It is still just alive but only just. I have…