12th May

…tassels which I had not seen before. Acer campbellii var. frangipanense Acer campbellii var. frangipanense Acer campbellii var. frangipanense This is not Enkianthus cernuus rubens but the mistake has to…

5th March

…‘Delicatissima’ Magnolia campbellii var. mollicomata ‘Treve Holman’ – just one bud. Magnolia campbellii var. mollicomata ‘Treve Holman’ Magnolia ‘Tina Durio’ – Gresham hybrid. Magnolia ‘Tina Durio’ Magnolia ‘Tina Durio’ Magnolia…

16th April

…this is incorrectly labelled Abies bicolor var. alcoquiana it is in fact the pretty rare Picea alcoquiana (syn. Picea bicolor). Most attractive today with male upright catkin-like ‘flowers’ and female…

18th May

…‘Summer Solstice’ are out at the same time. Magnolia ‘Southern Belle’ Juglans cinerea just into leaf. Juglans cinerea Eucalyptus mannifera var. praecox (2014 planted). The trunk has peeled already but…

15th March

…sargentiana var. robusta seedling. Magnolia sargentiana var. robusta seedling Camellia ‘Italiana Vera’ – a ‘new’ one bought from Stervinou nurseries in France. Camellia ‘Italiana Vera’ Slightly battered Magnolia ‘Charles Raffill’….

2nd June

…Rhododendron temenium var. temenium. Rhododendron temenium var. temenium Rhododendron tricanthum. Rhododendron tricanthum Rhododendron diaprepes – I always wonder how this differs from Rh. decorum. The exhibit of decorum did not…

20th March

…CHW A shot of the record sized (height) Magnolia sargentiana var. robusta in all its finery, but a cloudy day, at Burncoose. Magnolia sargentiana var. robusta Magnolia amoena at Burncoose….

26th May

…campbellii var. frangipanense with long flower tassels. Acer campbellii var. frangipanense Acer campbellii var. frangipanense Sorbus wilsoniana with new growth and two flower heads. Sorbus wilsoniana Sorbus wilsoniana More deer…

21st July

…seed heads now swelling. Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Wisley Cream’ Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘Wisley Cream’ The best blue hydrangea clump in the garden Dad always maintained in shade above…

Tom Hudson – Camellia cuspidata saga!

…the Flora of China the Tregrehan plant would be cuspidata var cuspidata and the Trewithen plants cuspidata var grandiflora. Presuming that the 2 Trewithen plants are species and not cuspidata…