12th April

…have become casualties along the way. Camellia reticulata ‘Lasca Beauty’ is quite well known. Camellia reticulata ‘Lasca Beauty’ Camellia reticulata ‘Simpatica’ is not. Camellia reticulata ‘Simpatica’ Camellia reticulata ‘Simpatica’ Camellia…

4th May

…of Littleworth’ at its best and now layered for posterity. Rhododendron ‘Beauty of Littleworth’ Rhododendron ‘Beauty of Littleworth’ Rhododendron cinnarbarinum subsp. xantocodon Purpurellum Group with a few flowers. This is…

18th March

…Camellia ‘Candy Apple’ Camellia ‘Annie Waylam’ is a good paeony form and better than many. No idea who she was. Camellia ‘Annie Waylam’ Camellia ‘Annie Waylam’ Camellia ‘Midnight Magic’ is…

28th February

…Serena’s plaque is now up at the Isla Rose Plantation beside a young oak tree. Serena’s plaque Camellia ‘Midnight Variegated’ has light irregular white blotching. Camellia ‘Midnight Variegated’ 2018 –…

3rd April

…‘Coppertone’ x Rhaphiobotrya ‘Coppertone’ Camellia ‘Midnight Magic’ still has some very good dark red double flowers as the camellia season finishes earlier than I can remember before. Camellia ‘Midnight Magic’…

14th August

…Thousands of potted camellia liners excellent also. Thousands of potted camellia liners Hibiscus moscheutos ‘Midnight Marvel’ full out. Hibiscus moscheutos ‘Midnight Marvel’ Eupatorium dubium ‘Baby Joe’ was a new introduction…

29th July

…Boulevard’ Carnon Downs Garden Centre has a much better plant range and nearly all covered and shaded. Poleonemium ‘Sulphur Trumpets’ was a nice new thing. Poleonemium ‘Sulphur Trumpets’ Agapanthus ‘Midnight

12th February

…camellias again after so long. Camellia ‘Admiral Spry’ Camellia reticulata ‘Lasca Beauty’ with one flower out and huge buds. Camellia reticulata ‘Lasca Beauty’ Camellia reticulata ‘Lasca Beauty’ The clump of…

5th May

…reticulatum perhaps? Surely a Rh. reticulatum subspecies would have some evergreen leaves? Rhododendron wadanum ‘Album’ Staphylea colchica ‘Black Beauty’ now into leaf. It will get darker yet. Staphylea colchica ‘Black…

20th April

…and Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Black Beauty’ cut for the weekend RHS Rhododendron show at Rosemoor. Rhododendron desquamatum and Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Black Beauty’ The rhododendron entries. rhododendron entries 2023 –…