27th January

…near 1912 in species. Motor plough engine rolled the drive for the first time. 1912 – JCW R praecox, ciliatum, arboreum, lutescens, dahuricum, argenteum, scarlet hybrid (arbo x Thomsonii), barbatum…

5th April

…flower. 1909 – JCW Later than 1907, only one poet Lulworth and that had a bell gap. Auklandii show no movement. Arboreum x Thomsonii open. Rhodo ‘1875’ is open. Argenteum

19th March

…Robustas above Hovel – 2 more Magnolias to go into the Beech Walk. Mosers Marson, Buergeanum and aberconwayii received from Hillier. 1933 – JCW R lutescens and R argenteum are…

21st March

…primulinum, Rho argenteum well out and at their best. R barbatum going over, most of the blood red hybrids are very good. Mrs Butler x coming along, double C reticulata…

15th May

…flowers in May. I saw it at Bonython but it thrives here. Huge Leucadendron argenteum used to grow here but was killed in the 2018 Beast. The replacements are thriving…

2nd February

…well, some garden primroses, R argenteum starting, but fair lot of frost about, some roses, geraniums in the border not quite dead. 1905 – JCW Several seedlings open, picked a…

26th April

…rhodo’ in flower: fastigiatum +,intricatum + , Williamsianum +, campylocarpum, thomsoni +x, lutescens +, fargesii + -,caucasicum (2 forms of yellow) +, sinovirgatum +, neriiflorum +, argenteum + -, Sir…

15th April

…with Argenteum. Thomsonii x Arboreum are over, the Mrs Butler x Arboreums are at their best, some pink and white Auklandii x Arboreum are opening. 1906 – JCW Very much…

28th April

…few Orbiculares open, ¾ of the very few Auklandii are open. Fargesi, barbatum, argenteum and the Corylopsis are over. Triandrus (pure) not all open. No Maddeni hybrids are really open….

5th March

…whole a late season.1914 – JCW Blood red arboreum hybrids just at their best and so the Barbatum, Prunus pissardi and Rho praecox also Rho lutescens, Rho argenteum ⅔ open….