27th April

…I wonder how many gardeners and labellers it all takes? Karol and I took over 1,000 pictures during the day and our ‘this goes nicely with this’ picture file has…

17th May

…etc, despite all the scientific evidence about children and corona and despite the hardship to parents with young children in tiny flats/houses made me wonder which planet he is living…

2nd June

…Rhododendron temenium var. temenium. Rhododendron temenium var. temenium Rhododendron tricanthum. Rhododendron tricanthum Rhododendron diaprepes – I always wonder how this differs from Rh. decorum. The exhibit of decorum did not…

3rd May

…‘Aurea’ Easily our best (of three) Taiwania cryptomeroides. This one has finally produced a ‘leader’ and is away as a tree. I wonder if Asia could grow this from cuttings?…

1st June

…pink Camellia sasanquas Conversely the single white Camellia sasanquas have conventional light green new growth. I wonder why the difference is so marked on these 100 year old plants? single…

26th August

…– CHW (photos to follow) It has got to be a good summer when you can find a stick insect this size in the nursery! Huge! I wonder what stick…

3rd September

…of a ferret. No wonder our rabbit population is so low with a brood of these in the garden. Mink have been eradicated for some time here, after many years…

1st September

…Sorbus thompsonii 2015 – CHW Eucryphia cordifolia, late but now at its best. I have to wonder why the reference books say its flower is like a white ‘Rose of…

8th January

…flower. A little later than usual I suspect. Helleborus ‘Anna’s Red’ 2023 – CHW A long suffering ‘Christmas Rose’ doing its stuff. long suffering ‘Christmas Rose’ More of the wonders…

21st November

…in full shade? Supposed to be orange and scarlet? Cotinus ‘Pink Champagne’ Prunus ‘Fragrant Cloud’ (‘Matsumae-shizuka’) by the cash point is perfect today and another wonderful advert for Matsumae cherry…