17th March

…meeting: These were the plants These were the plants These were the plants Magnolia campbellii alba seedling – 15in x 18in when fully openMagnolia ‘Lanarth Surprise’ Magnolia campbellii alba seedling…

2nd March

…flowers showing on the Magnolia denudata ‘Forrest Pink’ which was smashed down by a tree a few years ago but has recovered. Magnolia denudata ‘Forrest Pink’ The Magnolia campbellii Alba

22nd January

…williamsii ‘Mary Jobson’ and the scent is good today. Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Jobson’ 2020 – CHW I looked at Magnolia campbellii var. alba ‘Strybing White’ last Sunday and there…

20th January

…and nearly always early. No flowers showing last Sunday. Magnolia campbellii alba ‘Strybing White’ Magnolia campbellii alba ‘Strybing White’ The lichen on its trunk is spectacular. lichen An original Magnolia…

22nd February

…americana and Fascicularia A wonderful carpet of Vinca minor ‘Alba’ under a yew tree and behind a wall so it is totally sheltered from the salt spray. Vinca minor ‘Alba’…

10th January

…williamsii ‘George Blandford’ Camellia ‘Alba Simplex’ nicely out but slightly frosted. Camellia ‘Alba Simplex’ Camellia ‘Alba Simplex’ Magnolia ‘Ian’s Red’ is shedding its secondary bud coverings. We lost a large…

14th February

…‘Felix Jury’ The Magnolia campbellii by Tin Garden today. Magnolia campbellii Magnolia campbellii First flowers out on Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’. Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ A Magnolia campbellii Alba

12th February

…of this but Karol needs to check the database properly. Is there another name? Camellia ‘Grandiflora Alba’ Camellia ‘Grandiflora Alba’ Karol looking pleased with himself as we label Kalopanax septemlobus….

10th April

…are a gentler pink than others which are nearer white. Rhododendron schlippenbachii Rhododendron schlippenbachii A cold damaged flower on a huge Magnolia campbellii ‘Alba’ seedling by the drive. Most buds…

8th February

…Unusual. Now about 8ft tall. Planted 2011. Ilex cornuta Ilex cornuta Ilex cornuta Also out properly, but rather wind battered, is Magnolia campbellii alba ‘Strybing White’. Magnolia campbellii alba ‘Strybing…