10th July

…Dierama pulcherimum var. album Hydrangea xanthoneura wilsonii in flower. I suspect the naming has been revised and I need to investigate. Hydrangea xanthoneura wilsonii Rosa filipes ‘Kiftsgate’ – a gigantic…

24th April

…Koelreuteria paniculata with attractive new growth. Koelreuteria paniculata Koelreuteria paniculata Quercus cadicans after a mild winter but with new growth forming. Quercus cadicans Quercus cadicans Magnolia wilsonii early into flower…

14th April

…‘Tikitere’ is now fully open and a very different colour to the bud. Magnolia ‘Tikitere’ Magnolia ‘Tikitere’ Nice new growth on Aesculus wilsonii. Aesculus wilsonii Prunus mahaleb, the St Lucie…

23rd May

…is now, at last, more or less out. A pleasant contrast between bud and flower colour. Osteomeles subrotunda Osteomeles subrotunda Syringa wilsonii nicely out for the second year. Syringa wilsonii

7th May

…‘Bolonii’ – I assume a cross between P. lasiocarpa (which it resembles) and P. wilsonii. Populus wilsocarpa ‘Bolonii’ Magnolia ‘Maxine Merril’ is modest by comparison to other yellows. Magnolia ‘Maxine…

18th June

…probably the last of the Aesculus species to flower. A. wilsonii was early this year but the two usually overlap. A very slow growing but floriferous species. Aesculus californica Aesculus…

3rd October

…in 2010 (BWJ 8167). I have never seen it looking better. One of the best 3 cotoneaster species for fruiting after C. wilsonii and C. hillieri I think. Cotoneaster moupinensis…

7th October

…still to produce any fruit. A couple are already over and their berries have fallen and one or two are the worse for wear after the June drought. Cotoneaster wilsonii

22nd March

…Magnolia kobus var. borealis towers over Rhododendron macabeanum. Magnolia kobus var. borealis towers over Rhododendron macabeanum Euonymus wilsonii with flower buds not yet open. A quick growing species. Euonymus wilsonii

25th June

…polycarpa Idesia polycarpa Idesia polycarpa Rosa roxburgii just coming out on some lower branches. Rosa roxburgii A young Magnolia ernestii (formerly Michelia wilsonii or Michelia sinensis) is growing away nicely….