17th June
…in the catalogue – Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’. Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’ Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’ Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea…
…in the catalogue – Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’. Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’ Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’ Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea…
…sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ planted only in 2016 with eight flowers. Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Lindera tonkinensis (FMWJ 13123) has retained all its leaves over winter and…
…Moon’ – the first flower on this young plant is not as dark (yet) as expected. Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x ‘Pickards Ruby’…
…‘Hawk’ Magnolia ‘Hawk’ Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia sinostellata with first flower. The Chinese form of Magnolia stellata which seems to be…
…has been less wind damaged than the other two which we saw a few days ago. Still nothing that outstanding or ‘bloody’. Magnolia campbellii ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Blood Moon’…
…medium-tall growing. Agapanthus ‘Sandringham’ Agapanthus ‘Sandringham’ Agapanthus ‘Bressingham Blue’ – taller growing and very floriferous. Not quite as dark as Agapanthus ‘Navy Blue’? Agapanthus ‘Bressingham Blue’ Agapanthus ‘Bressingham Blue’ Agapanthus…
…var. robusta in my view. Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ The view from the bottom path in Old Park looking North today. view from the bottom path…
…have said that it would. Magnolia ‘Vairano’ Magnolia ‘Vairano’ Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ is also improving too with age. Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ The clear up…
…is so impressive. Magnolia ‘Venus’ Eucalyptus gunnii ‘Azura’ was new to the catalogue last year. Eucalyptus gunnii ‘Azura’ Eucalyptus pulverulenta ‘Baby Blue’. Eucalyptus pulverulenta ‘Baby Blue’ Still berries on Ilex…
…locate Primula vialli ‘Alison Holland’. Primula vialli ‘Alison Holland’ The new to us Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ is a good thing. Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ All the camellia liners now potted on…