30th November

…Lyi’. Blink and you miss it! Camellia ‘Hamy Lyi’ Camellia ‘Hamy Lyi’ Quercus dentata ‘Carl Ferris Miller’ which is always attractive at this time of the year. Quercus dentata ‘Carl…

13th May

…Azara serrata actually as Azara dentata is much more tender and is probably the one which died. Azara dentata Azara dentata Azara dentata Pieris japonica ‘Charles Williams’, named after my…

19th April

…‘Brigadoon’. Camellia ‘Brigadoon’ Rhododendron davidsonianum now full out. Rhododendron davidsonianum Azara dentata plastered in flower. Azara dentata Azara dentata Azara dentata Rhododendron ‘Princess Alice’ at its best. Pinkish in bud….

11th March

…was quite a surprise even if you do not like aucuba! Aucuba japonica ‘Dentata’ Aucuba japonica ‘Dentata’ Aucuba japonica ‘Dentata’ Chionodoca ‘Pink Giant’ – a good light pink form too…

23rd March

…Quercus dentata Quercus dentata Quercus dentata Nyssa sinensis – another record tree. Nyssa sinensis Nyssa sinensis Amazingly Quercus insignis was virtually untouched by the cold – unlike ours. Quercus insignis…

18th November

…campanulatus ‘Wallaby’ with good yellow colour. Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Wallaby’ Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Wallaby’ Quercus dentata ‘Carl Ferris Miller’ just changing to brown. Quercus dentata ‘Carl Ferris Miller’ Quercus dentata ‘Carl Ferris…

22nd November

…some leaves. Quercus dentata ‘Karl Ferris Miller’ Quercus dentata ‘Karl Ferris Miller’ Quercus dentata ‘Karl Ferris Miller’ Styrax japonicus ‘Pendulus’ is sadly not making much of a show this year….

23rd July

…flowers about to open. Again the dogleg where the leaves join the stem. About as rare a plant as you could imagine but also very dull! Meliosma dentata Meliosma dentata

8th September

…open and they are not fully open yet. The Chinese species are setting seeds while this Mexican species is in flower. Meliosma dentata Meliosma dentata Meliosma dentata Torreya nucifera covered…

20th November

…sexstylosa ‘Pendula’ only 8 weeks after flowering. Hoheria sexstylosa ‘Pendula’ Seed heads on Hoheria populnea ‘Variegata’ are still green and unripe 4-6 weeks after flowering. Hoheria populnea ‘Variegata’ 2022 –…