10th December

…and have turned black. Mespilus germanica Mespilus germanica Mespilus germanica Plenty of flower buds on Magnolia ‘Anya’. Magnolia ‘Anya’ Glyptostrobus pensilis ‘Wooly Mammoth’ with its winter colours. It was near…

6th November

…I have seen before. Mespilus germanica Mespilus germanica Mespilus germanica 2017 – CHW Work is coming on apace with the conversion of two barns to holiday lets at Tregaire Barton….

21st August

…odd late flower and a good crop of ripening fruit at the same time. Mespilus germanica Mespilus germanica Crataegus combyi with its first fruits here. I cannot find this in…

18th May

…‘Petiolaris’ Tilia tomentosa ‘Petiolaris’ Flowers on the Mespilus germanica. Mespilus germanica Mespilus germanica Tilia mexicana – planted 2011. Tilia mexicana Magnolia ‘Peaches and Cream’ – a few late flowers. Magnolia…

2nd December

…on the tree. Brock decided to try one but did not finish it. Mespilus germanica Mespilus germanica Autumn colour on Ginkgo biloba ‘Variegata’ with just a hint of variegation. Ginkgo…

4th October

…germanica with a large crop as well. Quite a weight on the branches. Mespilus germanica Mespilus germanica Sorbus hedlundii (KR1810A) with large faintly spotted fruits which are now ripe. Sorbus…

12th October

…jam? Mespilus germanica Mespilus germanica Magnolia ‘Sweet Sixteen’ has a single seed pod. Magnolia ‘Sweet Sixteen’ Magnolia ‘Sweet Sixteen’ Amazingly Cercis canadensis ‘Flame’ has a crop of flowers. It was…

29th August

…germanica (2011 planting) now has lots of fruit. Mespilus germanica Mespilus germanica Juglans ailanthifolia (2014 planting) has a wonderful leaf structure if the roe deer will leave it alone. Juglans…

8th September

…is not yet ripe. The tree is putting on secondary new growth after the rain. Mespilus germanica Mespilus germanica 2015 – CHW Outside the front gates Hydrangea aspera ssp robusta…

22nd October

…time. Sorbus adamii Mespilus germanica with a secondary flower alongside the nearly ripe fruit. Mespilus germanica Still decent flowers on Hoheria populnea ‘Variegata’. Hoheria populnea ‘Variegata’ First flower absurdely early,…