8th June

…Enkianthus hirtinervus Enkianthus hirtinervus 1919 – JCW Madame Lemoine has been splendid. Ponticums go back, Auklandii are gone. Syringa villosa very good. C chrysocoma rather burnt. The azaleas are going…

5th June

…The first hydrangea into flower – as usual Hydrangea ‘Madame E. Mouilliere’. Hydrangea ‘Madame E. Mouilliere’ Philadelphus coronarius and Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’. Philadelphus coronarius Cornus kousa var. chinensis and…

5th December

…does this plant set new flowers when the main crop of flowers are over and have turned greenish with red-purple tints? Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouilliere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouilliere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouilliere’…

15th November

…plant! Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouillere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouillere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouillere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouillere’ Larix kaempferi glowing yellowish with a hint of orange/red in the hazy sun. Larix kaempferi 2015 –…

4th June

…in the Drive. Madame Lemoine lilac good for a week, all but the Waterer rhodo’s are over now. Loder’s White good yet. Viburnum plicatum and mariesii good. 1913 – JCW…

22nd June

…were wilting.Cornus kousa ‘Madame Butterfly’ at its best on Hovel Cart Road. Cornus kousa ‘Madame Butterfly’ Cornus kousa ‘Madame Butterfly’ Cornus kousa ‘Madame Butterfly’ Styrax wuyuanensis at its absolute best…

27th July

…E Mouillere Hydrangea Madame E Mouillere Hydrangea Madame E Mouillere 1989 – FJW The garden is suffering from drought as badly as I have seen it. It is becoming very…

27th December

…Hydrangea ‘Madame E Mouilliere’. Hydrangea ‘Madame E Mouilliere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame E Mouilliere’ Hydrangea ‘Joseph Banks’ still has colour at the Red Linney. Hydrangea ‘Joseph Banks’ Hydrangea ‘Joseph Banks’ Rhododendron ‘Winter…

5th February

…Asia. Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouilliere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouilliere’ First flowers on Camellia x williamsii ‘Jurys Yellow’ beside the drive in a cold spot but so far undamaged. Camellia x williamsii ‘Jurys…

4th January

…seen flowers on this clump and photographed them several times through last year in this diary starting in May I seem to remember. Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouilliere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouilliere’ A…