2nd August

…a huge clump of around eight feet tall. Very floriferous in full sun. Opening white, then a hint of pink, then pinkish allover. Hydrangea paniculata ‘Pink Diamond’ Hydrangea paniculata ‘Pink

7th April

…Magnolia ‘Lili Diva’. Magnolia ‘Lili Diva’ Magnolia ‘Columnar Pink’ is accurately named. Not a great flower but certainly a columnar habit. Magnolia ‘Columnar Pink’ Magnolia ‘Columnar Pink’ Magnolia ‘Lemon Star’…

22nd March

…Also Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’ and Michelia ‘Silver Cloud’ as well. It made them all laugh and we had a very jolly dinner in what is now known as the…

13th September

…other Cordylines and the Phormiums. Cordyline ‘Southern Splendour’ Cordyline ‘Southern Splendour’ Clematis ‘Silver Moon’ is a new addition to the 2020 Burncoose catalogue. Clematis ‘Silver Moon’ Pseudowintera ‘Moulin Rouge’ comes…

27th July

…between the pink flowers and the dark leaves. Lagerstroemia indica ‘Rhapsody in Pink’ Lagerstroemia indica ‘Rhapsody in Pink’ Lagerstroemia indica ‘Rhapsody in Pink’ Lonicera ‘Rhubarb and Custard’ – a silly…

8th August

…good beside C. tomentosa and is a good border shrub. Clethra alnifolia ‘Pink Spires’ Clethra alnifolia ‘Pink Spires’ Clethra kaipoensis flowering for the first time here. An upright tall growing…

10th June

…flowers are either white or pink but the pinker ones fade to red. About 5-6ft tall after 10 years and an outstanding small shrub. Weigelia coraeensis Weigelia coraeensis Weigelia coraeensis…

29th July

…lists 28. Agapanthus ‘Midnight Star’ Rehmannia ‘Walberton Magic Dragon’ grows to about 3-3½ft. Rehmannia ‘Walberton Magic Dragon’ Campanula ‘Pink Octopus’ has the merit of being rather different. Campanula ‘Pink Octopus’…

16th November

…Garden. water tank base Tilia kiusiana and Liriodendron chinense both yellowing together. Tilia kiusiana and Liriodendron chinense Magnolia obovata ‘Pink Flush’ turns from green to brown. Magnolia obovata ‘Pink Flush’…

18th November

…its best and already shedding many flowers in this exceptionally early flowering autumn. Camellia ‘November Pink’ Camellia ‘November Pink’ Camellia ‘November Pink’ Quercus bushii ‘Seattle Trident’, planted in 2017, putting…