22nd December

…(blown out of ground and most roots severed) Schefflera macrophylla it would restart near the base? Schefflera macrophylla A big branch has snapped one of the Magnolia delerayi by George’s…

17th October

…of felling the laurel and four to six over mature beeches castle side of the nursery bed to make a big new planting area. The last surviving mature elm in…

5th May

big leafed rhododendron. Despite watering of the nursery bed these plants had horrid time in the drought and produced little new growth and only small deformed leaves as you see…

27th December

…of this big leaf seedling by the Gunnera bed in Old Park. big leaf seedling Camellia sasanqua ‘Bonanza’ is a really good double red and I see plenty of cuttings…

24th June

…buds at different stages of development. Only three years from planting which is a big bonus. I guess it must be a Manglietia but it is, again, not on the…

14th October

…not seen before. Another big plus for this curious evergreen self clinging hydrangea. Hydrangea seemanii Hydrangea seemanii Camellia sasanqua ‘Rosea’ now full out with its pale pink flowers which seem…

23rd June

…the UK referendum today in the Magnolia Tea Rooms polling station here. The two tellers expected a ‘big turnout’ but there are less than 100 electors in our ward or…

27th March

…a delayed reaction? We have one other decent big plant and a couple of youngsters which are now getting going. Jaimie says he did once see a total defoliation like…

10th October

…on plant nearest side door seen. 1949 – CW A very long dry summer. Big leaf rhododendron growth small. The 2 Sinogrande by big group of Barbatum about dead. White…

31st May

…in 2019. Today they make a great show and will soon join up into a big clump. A very vigorous species planted with plenty of room in full sun. Philadelphus…