22nd January

…‘Star Wars’ has several flowers showing a rather pale colour. Not as far out as its sister, Magnolia ‘Red Lion’, pictured a week or so ago. Magnolia ‘Star Wars’ Magnolia…

18th September

…coloured berries on Pyracantha starting to colour up. Pyracantha berries Cotinus ‘Grace’ turning colour nicely but not yet at its best. Cotinus ‘Grace’ We grow many different Corokias and Coprosmas…

4th August

red hydrangea took in the drought last year but it is now recovering. clump of red hydrangea 2022 – CHW We are now in full drought conditions. Younger plants and…

24th October

…me. November usually – October never! A single storm battered flower or, possibly, the passing tarmac machine. Camellia x williamsii Camellia x williamsii Tarmac relaying and potholes all now repaired.

30th August

…again no prickles to speak of so why the name? Crataegus horrida Crataegus horrida Crataegus jozana with just a few dark purple-red fruits as yet. N.E. Asia. Crataegus jozana Crataegus…

30th June

…so the bracts could be darker in full sun. Cornus florida ‘Red Giant’ Cornus florida ‘Red Giant’ Cornus florida ‘Red Giant’ Prunus ‘Collingwood Ingram’ has very attractive secondary new growth….

20th May

…twig. Sassafras tzumu Magnolia ‘Genie’ still full of flower. Magnolia ‘Genie’ Rhododendron calendulaceum – Sandling Orange-Red Form Rhododendron calendulaceum – Sandling Orange-Red Form Rhododendron wadanum ‘Album’ Rhododendron wadanum ‘Album’ Another…

31st December

…in bloom by Christmas. Note the red flowered ‘sport’ on Monica. Camellia Monica Dance Camellia Monica Dance Strange, is it not, that the camellias are sticking to their mild weather…

10th May

…fell above Red Linney took out Phellodendron amurense var. sachalinense. I wonder if it will reshoot when the mess is finally cleared up? There are two others in Penvergate. The…

13th April

…Rhododendron ‘Red Centurion’ just coming out. Rhododendron ‘Red Centurion’ Rhododendron morii at its best. Rhododendron morii Rhododendron augustinii just coming out. Rhododendron augustinii Rain damage in Rhododendron ‘Fragrantissimum’. Rhododendron ‘Fragrantissimum’…