3rd November

…outstanding. Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Amber Glow’ Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Red Star’ living up to its name. Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Red Star’ 2019 – CHW A splendid Pinus wallichiana has been retired from attendance…

20th November

…the start of leaf blowing and now so many more days on tidying up fallen trees and branches when the worklist of new seasonal winter jobs awaits. Will these sheltered

23rd September

…of the malus which have already been acquired together with a list of those species and named varieties offered by various nurseries is attached. A national collection does not happen…

23rd February

…which featured in yesterday’s article is absolutely full out today. Not a huge tree but plastered in flowers. Here are five varied pictures of FJW in ‘his’ pomp. Today its…

17th June

…coloured forms from mauve-purple to red and dark red. The clumps on the drive, in the Auklandii Garden and outside the front gate are full out now and flowering more…

14th January

…properly. Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ Camellia ‘Yuletide’ almost over and rather battered too. Camellia ‘Yuletide’ Massive flower drop under the record sized (unnamed) Camellia x williamsii outside the…

29th February

…has flowered here. Older plant on Bond Street. Magnolia ‘Red Lion’ Magnolia ‘Red Lion’ Magnolia x veitchii (graft from Caerhays originals) looks spot on but a bit of work to…

18th January

…‘Jacqueline Postill’ These 4 rather poor camellia x williamsii seedlings were created and grown by JCW and planted along the castle wall. They were never considered worthy of naming but…

9th June

…Sambucus niger ‘Golden Tower’ Sambucus niger ‘Golden Tower’ Cordyline australis ‘Red Star’ Cordyline australis ‘Red Star’ Protea cynaroides ‘Little Prince’ Protea cynaroides ‘Little Prince’ Sambucus niger ‘Black Lace’ Sambucus niger…

13th September

…As you can see the cyclamen are being smothered. knapweed seeds Vitis coignetiae has turned red earlier than usual. Vitis coignetiae Vitis coignetiae Astonishing growth on the supposedly very tender…