15th June

…Aesculus wilsonii A less hidden than usual show of flowers on Styrax japonicus ‘Pendulus’. Syrax japonicus ‘Pendulus’ A very rare Mexican Clethra keels over in the drought. Mexican Clethra keels…

30th July

…Gold’ Rudbeckia ‘Tiger Eye Gold’ Cestrum elegans is a Mexican species which we do not stock. Pinkish-purple or pinkish-red flowers and not that different to Cestrum ‘Newellii’ which has bright…

9th August

…in the drought outside the front door. The survivor has a good crop of juicy black fruits. Fuchsia exorticatica Fuchsia exorticatica The Mexican dahlia species which flowered eventually last December…

2nd July

…and champion tree originating in the Levant as I have seen before with flower and fruit. Pyrus x michauxii Pyrus x michauxii Pyrus x michauxii Brahea armata – Mexican blue…

17th June

Next Day >< Previous Day CONTRIBUTORS: FJW 1955-2007 CHW 2015- JCW 1897-1939 CW 1940-1955 2023 – CHW To the remarkable 60 acre Arboretum at Batsford which is a jewel! In…

23rd July

…with the Mexican dahlia species which we lost in ‘The Beast’. Maakia are much better trees than we first thought and we need to start again where there is more…

4th August

…in tight bud. Today it is nearly over. Twenty-four hours is all you get with this peculiar Mexican species. This is the second flower about a month after the first….

11th June

…the first time very shortly. The second, older plant was featured last week. About eight flowers to come. The effects (again) of last year’s dry summer which this Mexican species…

29th July

…have to get a move on or be overshadowed by the nearby evergreen Quercus stenophylloides; a Mexican (?) oak given to us by Alan Coombes in 2002. It is now…

8th September

…of flower buds. These have taken 6 weeks to open and they are not fully open yet. The Chinese species are setting seeds while this Mexican species is in flower….