26th December

…eaten by a pheasant or a mouse? Ten days early perhaps. snowdrop flower A primrose similarly devoured by something. primrose Wild daffodils almost with flower buds showing. Only a few…

5th October

…did not agree with the identification of our Rhus species. A primrose in flower in October! primrose in flower Ripe seed for Asia to collect on Styrax shiraianus. Styrax shiraianus…

23rd March

…their best. They seldom look up as my father always said. Primroses Scilla peruviana just out by the front door. Not flowering well this year. Scilla peruviana A solitary primrose

31st December

…the cold vernalised snowdrops into springing into flower but we have had only 1 days frost (a month ago) this winter. snowdrops A primrose on Christmas Day and now, suddenly,…

28th February

…true Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ true Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ A smashing display of wild Cyclamen coum above the gents’ loo. wild Cyclamen coum And the first coloured primrose which was once a cross…

3rd July

…also taken well. Meliosma parviflora A primrose in July! Only in a very wet and good growing year. primrose Picrasma quassioides has flowered for the first time and is now…

20th April

…and Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Black Beauty’ cut for the weekend RHS Rhododendron show at Rosemoor. Rhododendron desquamatum and Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Black Beauty’ The rhododendron entries. rhododendron entries 2023 –…

5th May

…x brooklynensis ‘Black Beauty’ is looking good. The best thing is the light creamy white insides to the near black tepals. Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Black Beauty’ Our largest Magnolia rostrata…

12th February

…camellias again after so long. Camellia ‘Admiral Spry’ Camellia reticulata ‘Lasca Beauty’ with one flower out and huge buds. Camellia reticulata ‘Lasca Beauty’ Camellia reticulata ‘Lasca Beauty’ The clump of…

3rd June

…albeit multi-stemmed. Melicytis obovatus Tail end flowers on Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Black Beauty’. Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Black Beauty’ Flowers on Ilex yunnanensis which is developing well as an upright shrub….